Hard to listen to and hard to comment

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A few things come out of that! It is clear that unless it is happening to you or a close family member no one really gives a toss!? Seems as if you have to pay for every thing in life!? Makes it clearer that MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!?

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No. The Bible states "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." I Timothy 6:10.

The BIBLE = The Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth! 🙏

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The love of money (power over Others) is the root of all "evil" (unEthical behavior choices). And money is a dangerous and archaic tool:

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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The Clinton “centrist“ destruction of the once liberal Democratic Party has been a catastrophic failure for the entire world.

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Luigi's frustration with United Health Care overlooks the fact that Medical Treatment is not the way to go in the first place. When doctors have gone on strike...less people die! Medical treatment is not prevention nor does it lead to cures. Cures come, when you eliminate the cause of a problem...whether it be junk food, alcohol, drugs or environmental radiation, etc. Doctors aren't going to tell you what caused your problem!

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Yep! Prescribe something to mask the symptoms….then more side effects to come

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And prescribe something else, etc.etc.etc.

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Lol, true! I looked it up and posted about it:


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Anything in this manifesto (I am not going to read) about the covid shot?

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Sadly, no.

The mandated death jabs should be the top concern of every human on earth until we finally get justice.

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Is it just me or is it too convenient that someone running from the law was captured with a hand written grievance / motive about the murder he just committed.

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Sounds fishy to me too.

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One point on life expectancy; life expectancy is more related to the food additives allowed in America, where most other Western countries do not allow these additives. These additives cause a number of illnesses as well as fast track to obesity. Healthcare industrial complex only exacerbate these illnesses by pushing pharmaceuticals they get paid to push, instead of common sense medicine, nutrition and lifestyle.

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Thanks for sharing his manifesto!!

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Sorry, I have a hard time to believe any "manifestos," especially to the Feds...

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Seems to Me that psyops are replete with "manifestos..."

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ARE WE BEING LIED TO? 🙄 This must be "asked"! No matter HOW BAD we are treated by BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE! it does NOT justify shooting anyone especially in the back! 😲 It is up to us to SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. HAPPY HANUKKAH! 🕎 ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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He wrote a lot and published regularly on substack, but the most important message of his life was this whittled down to this piece of crap?

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That’s what happens when you choose to express yourself through violence. It overshadows everything else that you may have done that was right. It is hard to find any good in a cobra.

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And this, too. It's even worse than you think. How about not letting Klaus Schwab decide who lives and dies in Western societies? Schwab proposes a law to die at 70, with few exceptions! [https://x.com/PolFabrice/status/1866757846836109442] [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/world-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-introducing-age-of-death-laws-in-west/?] [https://x.com/silvano_trotta/status/1867158699266936946]


"An “important” (Times UK) and “meticulously researched” (Forbes) book by the “skeptical environmentalist” argues that panic over climate change is causing more harm than good"


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You should ask yourself, how they caught this guy so fast, why he had a manifesto, why they released the manifesto, and what was going to happen if that CEO made it to trial.

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