Please read the following and you shall see that the SATANIC EVIL has been around for a long. long time !? You do not get any of this taught in schools/unis etc! nor read much about it in MSM!? Sums up the CHURCHES/ESTABLISHMENT/POLITICIANS etc!---------------------------------CELEBRATE ------BURNS/UNIS/CHURCHES/ROYALS/SCOTT/POLITICIANS!?!?!?
Hello, hello,
Why would any honest and sound minded person celebrate any of the SATANIC EVIL SCUM mentioned above!? They were all members or linked to the BEGGARS BENISON or EDINBURGH WIG CLUB!
Only reason I can think is that you do not know the HONEST HISTORY! Just go by the drivel that the EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT spout out and you are not allowed to think out with that narrative! YES/NO?
Yes, politicians were involved with the Beggar's Benison and Wig Club, including the Prince of Wales who later became George IV
The Beggar's Benison
The club's early members included local merchants, gentry, and customs officers. Later members included the Prince of Wales, who became George IV. Other notable members included Lord Newark, Sir Charles Erskine of Cambo, Robert Hamilton of Kilbrackmont, and John McNachtane.
It is like in the future people celebrating SAVILE/EPSTEIN/ROYALS ( ANDY etc )/GLITTER/WELBY/HARRIS etc!? In both cases all very MASONIC and SATANIC!
Over to the BRAINS OF BRITAIN and Wizard of OZ etc to see what you all think!?
HA! Dee, what isn't LOONEY in this time of 2024? 😲 There is the FAKED ELECTIONS, BIG HARMA a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE!,THE MSM, and of course THE WEATHER with its CHEM TRAILS and "Atmospheric Rivers." (The last one seems to be a new one.) Some of us feel that "the chickens are coming home to roost" in those jabbed with Fauci's Ouchies! 😥 What does this mean for the rest of US? Faith in Natural Healing conquers and replaces FEAR that causes sheeple to take quackcines! 😊 I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Free flu shots or free Covid/flu shots signs everywhere. Grocery store pharmacies are offering a 10% discount on groceries although they have always done that. Gotta offer the duped something to get them to comply with their own destruction.
And they're all FREE! How generous of these for-profit institutions to provide these things out of the goodness of their hearts (wracked with myocarditis)! How many people would still get these if they had to pay out of pocket? They (we) are paying for them, they just hide the funding.
Good one.
lols! I’m actually watching Looney Tunes. Only thing on tv worth watching. You funny lady Miss Dee Dee. 😁💖
Please read the following and you shall see that the SATANIC EVIL has been around for a long. long time !? You do not get any of this taught in schools/unis etc! nor read much about it in MSM!? Sums up the CHURCHES/ESTABLISHMENT/POLITICIANS etc!---------------------------------CELEBRATE ------BURNS/UNIS/CHURCHES/ROYALS/SCOTT/POLITICIANS!?!?!?
Hello, hello,
Why would any honest and sound minded person celebrate any of the SATANIC EVIL SCUM mentioned above!? They were all members or linked to the BEGGARS BENISON or EDINBURGH WIG CLUB!
Only reason I can think is that you do not know the HONEST HISTORY! Just go by the drivel that the EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT spout out and you are not allowed to think out with that narrative! YES/NO?
Yes, politicians were involved with the Beggar's Benison and Wig Club, including the Prince of Wales who later became George IV
The Beggar's Benison
The club's early members included local merchants, gentry, and customs officers. Later members included the Prince of Wales, who became George IV. Other notable members included Lord Newark, Sir Charles Erskine of Cambo, Robert Hamilton of Kilbrackmont, and John McNachtane.
It is like in the future people celebrating SAVILE/EPSTEIN/ROYALS ( ANDY etc )/GLITTER/WELBY/HARRIS etc!? In both cases all very MASONIC and SATANIC!
Over to the BRAINS OF BRITAIN and Wizard of OZ etc to see what you all think!?
Roy R M McIntosh.
Time for a change! it's Good Health Season. Intelligent people will reject all toxic vaxes.
Why stop saying NO Now. :) carved in stone with the Good Lords Blessings, never another shot.
Cartoons, Thank God for Mel Blanc and Warner Brothers great memories!!
Bugs Bunny our sarcastic tutor-
Good to speak sarcasm to absurdism.
Hail Looney Tunes.
We’re not in a movie 🎥 but we are in a cartoon.
Sarcasm is one of my coping dark humored tools
🧰 bugs Bunnie was a fine teacher.
They used the same psychological forces, hence Looney Tunes...
I seem to recall that during Covid the flu didn't exist.
It's funny how the flu started existing again when they had a mRNA shot for it.
Just like the monkepox, shingles, and the new Pneumonia vaccine, as if you can vaccinate for fluid in the lungs.
HA! Dee, what isn't LOONEY in this time of 2024? 😲 There is the FAKED ELECTIONS, BIG HARMA a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE!,THE MSM, and of course THE WEATHER with its CHEM TRAILS and "Atmospheric Rivers." (The last one seems to be a new one.) Some of us feel that "the chickens are coming home to roost" in those jabbed with Fauci's Ouchies! 😥 What does this mean for the rest of US? Faith in Natural Healing conquers and replaces FEAR that causes sheeple to take quackcines! 😊 I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Good one!
The Vaccinated
Have Become
Second Class Citizens
To Their Own Natural Immunity.
Hehe! Am I the only one who pronounces it in my head as “Fwu season!”? (A la wabbit season.)
Free flu shots or free Covid/flu shots signs everywhere. Grocery store pharmacies are offering a 10% discount on groceries although they have always done that. Gotta offer the duped something to get them to comply with their own destruction.
And they're all FREE! How generous of these for-profit institutions to provide these things out of the goodness of their hearts (wracked with myocarditis)! How many people would still get these if they had to pay out of pocket? They (we) are paying for them, they just hide the funding.
don't mind me . . . I'm just the local FROG . . .