Today on ZeroHedge there is a report that the birth rate is lower than any time since 1979.

The demon worshippers hate us and want to sterilise everyone.

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Yes i heard on a show that there were only 3 million babies born in the US last year. Can anyone confirm?

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Daily Mail says 3.6 million births, total fertility rate 1.61, continuing far below replacement.


There seem to be some other articles in WSJ and Bloomberg but they're paywalled.

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For anyone to confirm that number you would need to believe doctors, hospital administrators, and gooferment bureau rats who have been caught lying to us for years.

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Good point, but it would still be nice to know if we are dying out so i can invest accordingly.

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As a species, the world continues to have a growing population. God made the Earth to be occupied and He made us to occupy it.

I am very sad to learn that it is difficult to position investment capital in the absence of good information. You might go to the Lord in prayer. God knoweth. Praise God. Amen.

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I honestly didnt know there were bots on this app. I wont comment anymore.

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Do some searches on Edward (Ed) Dowd, including on YouTube and at a website he's associated with Phinance Technologies. The financial researchers in the actuarial field are the people you want to concentrate on.

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Also search on "Ed Dowd" on bitchute, Rumble, and Odysee and scroll through the hits to see if you find something that looks pertinent. Dowd is very articulate.

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Jim: my rough calculations based on last years population and an what I guestamate number of potential childbearing women is a birth rate of .7 we like all western countries and some Asian countries are in deep trouble, but if you belive in AI or eugenics you are so glad to get ride of the useless eaters. They well kill off all regardles of border policies and migrations.💉💸💀

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I don't know if you are the Donald Wood that I have known for decades. But you seem to have me confused with someone who would ever "believe in AI or eugenics" and I don't.

The danger is easy to avoid. Have more babies. It's fun.

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Yes, I new you did not believe in that evil nonsense! You look slightly familar but I have been in Ca. New Mexico and 1 year in England so we would have had to cross path there.

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The last I heard, the Donald Wood that I knew was in India earlier this century. I'm not sure if we met in person but we corresponded by email for a very long time.

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You can thank radical feminism and the sexual revolution fostered by the advent of birth control (no control) methods which in turn, made promiscuity almost an absolute necessity and served to destroy the natural and normal institution of marriage which is that of a man and a woman who in marriage fidelity have children to continue the propagation of the human species. Abortion naturally followed as women thought if they had "control" over having children, they would have the same power of men. Then another natural progression is this insane idea that homosexuality is normal and must be recognized as such in law and in practice. Then the even more insane idea that there is no biological truth that there are only two sexes and one can be any kind of sexual entity they choose was born. All of these things has led to a declining birth rate and that is celebrated by the globalist/domestic demons who do hate us or actually hate humanity.

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I don't understand what I have done for you to suggest that I would wish to thank such people for being evil.

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I would not accuse you of thanking people who are evil. Ever.

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So furious I am that People are allowing Their babies to be jabbed with ANYTHING. How natural is it to jab toxins into the flesh???

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Two autistic parents have kids... insisted all visitors have updated TDAP pokes... dad is jealous of mom nursing so baby gets bottles... baby has eczema at 4mos... multiply this by infinity! They've been indoctrinated early and have zero clue.

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A solar I think it is the pregnant mother who get the shot then the babe is still born or comes out to the world with problems.

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While I agree that is true, most hospitals will jab the infants - They take the baby away "to be weighed," and while They're at it, They jab the baby. At least, that is what I have heard. One father insisted on staying with His child at all times, and the hospital staff got very angry... They could not jab the baby with Him there.

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Terrible! Hope that is not true, maybe Dee or Dr. Can enlightend us.

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I hope not, too, but given how They lockstepped into the covid lies, I cannot discount that....

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Author

Babies don't get jabbed without having the parent(s) agree. (I've worked in many states and never witnessed jabbing newborns without consent)

The majority of babies get the Vit K shot and Hep B vaccine shortly after birth.

No one is jabbing newborns with covid shots.

If a parents doesn't want the jab(s), they get lectured (pressure is worse for the Vit K shot especially if baby goes to the NICU).

This isn't medical advise, as there could be clotting concerns for a NICU baby.

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Thanks for info

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I can only speak from my observations....things maybe very different depending on the country, etc....

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Belgium has ONE obligatory vaccination. Polio. You can imagine my surprise when I came here and had to undergo 7 at once to immigrate legally!

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And the polio jab is pointless, too, as "polio" was caused by DDT. I quit consenting to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system. I, if I was traveling, would claim diplomatic immunity, being a sovereign and Ethical One.

My polio jab experience in 1963:

Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/why-i-am-this-unspeakable-thing-5:8

About consenting:

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

I know, but it is just ONE. Kids here in the US are probably at 90 now

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From My perspective, one is too many, and yes, They have been damaging the children in the US greatly. It's ghastly.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

If you have time to listen this is another speculation of where "polio" originated. Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse


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Will see what Maready has to say.

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So far it seems that They are accepting "viruses" as real... Only about 1/2 hour in. Is there a take-away? Because I give the probability there is such a thing as a deadly virus approaching zero.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

"Speaking from experience"?

What kind of experience is that I wonder? Did we ever have a situation when so many babies are dying which someone had the chance of "experiencing"?

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee


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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

It is so weird that people seem to have no critical thinking skills at all. They justify to themselves what they are seeing with their own eyes with reasons that they should or must know cannot stand up to scrutiny. It is like their thought processes have been shut down - disconnected, offline.

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Deep down, I think they know...

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

I think some absolutely must know and they pretend not to as it is 'safer' in the herd but some seem to be completely lost to all reason. All we can do is keep trying to nudge them awake.

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

I wonder about this too. I went to an orientation for a new job yesterday and they had a form on covid shots and flu shots. Of course encouraging both as safe and effective. I said I wouldn't do flu shots as there are fetal cells in it (plus heavy metals but I didn't mention that), and I won't do covid shots as I know too many people hurt by the covid shots. I was shocked they are still talking about these shots. I thought it was all over for a bit.

Oh and they said diet and medication would never cure autism. I am not so sure about that, but I let that go. Can't argue all the time with these people.

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Wish you could find a better job! But maybe there is a reason you are there. Maybe you can help wake even one person up.

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

No you can't - just drop crumbs of information and hopefully someone will pick some up. I spoke to a guy the other day and he said his wife had just had a baby but just before the birth she had what he thought was a stroke - turned out to be Guillain–Barré syndrome. He said I don't suppose you have ever heard of that. I replied I hadn't a few years back but I know what it is now as it is a known side effect of the COVID jabs - interesting he said and I said go and check it out - I will he said. Fingers crossed it wakes him up a bit.

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Are we to assume she was jabbed?

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I would say yes because I don't believe Gillain-barre is a naturally occuring ailment. (((They))) Will lead you to believe it is, but wasn't described until vaccination was 'discovered'

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He didn't say she wasn't when I told him - he just said - that is interesting so I assume she was.

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perhaps this is what 'trans humanism' looks like. People turning into machines with no feeling. Or else how could they let their babies be jabbed with myriad vaccines AT BIRTH; not even counting the deadly bioweapon con vid jabs?

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'trans humanism' of the healthcare force...nothing to see here

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Exactly this! It's surreal

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I used to ask: Why doesn't anyone see it?

Now I ask: Why do they NOT WANT TO see it?

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Willful blindness

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

You know, babies dying is like the weather, it comes and goes 😜

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Except the same people freely acknowledge we are the cause of weather they don’t like. Babies dying though? Whatever, Dude. It happens.

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When insurance companies report all-cause mortalities rising by 40% in one year... I guess it 'comes and goes in waves'.

Fvck government and the lobbyists that run them(Pfizer).

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#placentagate on Twitter. This is all too real.

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee


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"for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery "pharmakeia." 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth.”

Revelation 18: 23-24

Strong’s G5331 defines “pharmakeia” as:

the use or the administering of drugs


sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i’-ah; from G5332; medication (“pharmacy”)

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

It would certainly be interesting to know the jab status of ALL those that die, not just the babies. The death rates among the older people are thought the roof, even though they should been lower than before, since so many elderly 'died from covid'. Together with all the other birth-preventing chemicals around, the gates of this world will slap their hands in adoration. Why do these people have children? And why are THEY still here, since there are too many people in the world. Everyone who says that to me gets that answer - why don't you go first? That of course has made me few friends LOL

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Good answer tho … if your soo damn enthusiastic about it then take the lead by demonstrating…

Theirs the cliff …

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Women who want babies, might want to look for un-vaxxed men?

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VERY HORRIFIC! But sadly. . .to be continued! And what about the shedding from the jabbed victims as promised by Pfizer? 😡

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Listen Grom, don't you know not to drop in on somebody already under the lip?

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

The more time passes, the more convinced I am that this all this was planned many many years ago.

But it's so sad, that I can't bear to think about it too much. Who hates humanity so much, that they couldn't wait to carry out these atrocities. I think of my sister, who had a serious life threatening accident, and her quote (post-accident) was " Life's a bitch and then you die". So true 😊

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Apr 25Liked by Dee Dee

Of course it was planned, likely decades in the making...

One does not start a genocide by noon if one awakened with the idea in the morning.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 26Liked by Dee Dee

Not decades. Millennia.

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IDK how deep down the rabbit hole you want to/have time to go, but in 1969, it was declared to be set in place, and unstoppable. The Day Tapes:


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