Ever since I was a baby my parents kept me as far away from the doctors as they could . . I had mumps & whooping cough at the same time but they kept me home & looked after me . . and here I am! Sixty next month . . .

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Dang, you had some very intelligent parents! Hats 🎩 off to them! They knew something!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee


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. Ditto Minimal pediatric interventions here. 66 in October and still do crossfit every day

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

My experience with the medical community has been horrific, overdosed on prescription drugs, falsly diagnosed with cancer, dental disaster and of course covid.

The arrogance and ignorance is scary. Then you add the greed...

I'd rather die.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

that is where I am to An. I have a drawer with natural remedies, and I have a couple phone numbers from natural doctors who live too far away to go to. If need be, I will call them. But the last couple disasters at a docs office made me decide against them completely. Unfortunately other than the mom of Zero point here, my mom was a doctor adorer. I was raised on antibiotics until age 14 I had pneumonia and none worked anymore. Then a lung specialist got me better and after that I have hardly been sick. Staying away from doc until there is no other solution (had 2 surgeries, necessary evil)

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

My mom had surgery, she was sicker after, I believe today that the so- called dementia and all that was induced, it all started during her hospital stay. She was never the same. She never recovered and died 6 painful years later... they have the ability to make one a zombie, then later put you on a ventilator, keep you alive that way... it was horror!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

my surgeries are 37 and 22 years ago, both still in Europe, where at the time the medical establishment was more honest. At that time they still healed you or rather, repaired you. I am disgusted with the whole American system of keeping you on forever pills, and not ask the doc any questions. The first doc I saw seemed astonished that I asked any, and a friend's doc told her that he would charge her extra for every question she asked! I would immediately have left LOL

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

I grew up in germany.. I remember those days!

I think I'm past disgust, it's fear .. and disgust! LOL

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

grew up in Belgium, now in the US for 21 years xxx

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Been here for 25 .. are you staying?


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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

And destroying the environment ... arrogance, ignorance and greed are in charge.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

My mom was a nurse and I was on antibiotics constantly. I saw an acupuncturist once for bronchitis and he asked me if I had been on a lot of antibiotics as a kid... apparently your lungs are effected! Had strep throat all the time... probably from vaxs.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Sorry Kat Bro but thank the good Lord you are still here to tell your story👍

Seems the medical profession is filled with the big pharma cult. Three in my family, and all took the injection and all three believe in their potions (medicines) galore!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

The older one I might add is having issue after issue🙏🙏so sad to watch all this!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

We will become resistant to antibiotics... I'm glad it didn't destroy your digestive system!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

a lot of folks are not even aware that anti b’s destroy beneficial gut bacteria that are responsible for digestion, the obesity/diabetes crisis is a direct result of this

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After retiring from aviation, I took a part time job as a valet at a pretty big hospital in Cleveland. Been a valet for 3+ years, and continue to see patients coming at least once a week that entire time. Seems like when one thing is cured, something else pops up.

I’ve come to the conclusion the better your insurance, the more you return to see doctors.

The medical/pharma fields have zero confidence from the public.

And the public pharmaceutical representative’s unlimited expense accounts are a bad story for another day.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

it is beyond me why people even without insurance keep on running to the doc. A young neighbor without insurance goes for a yearly check up and every time there is a minor something in the family. Kid with a cough? to the doctor... just like my mom ruined my immune system. So sad.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Probably why they have us fill out family history documents... they know what to target us for

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

aw ! at least they did not ask me that! but they asked me for all of my 66 years LOL. After almost 2 hours of questioning and re-questioning (first nurse had filled out with several mistakes) they refused to treat my ear infections. You can imagine there will be no second visit to that doc office

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

I had never thought of this- it makes perfect sense now. Thank you!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

DNA profiling... all those ancestry stuff..

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

The medical treadmill ... they will keep you sick and guessing. There is no money in healthy people.

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.... hospitals and hotels - if their beds/rooms aren't full they're losing money... so it is with the sickcare industrial complex. - they need lifelong (repeat) "customers".

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That’s a fact.

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Mostly trust our homeopathic PC, but have little trust in health care in general.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Gee, can't understand why. Maybe it's because the industry is trying to kill us?

Just a guess

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Somewhere between population control and milking us as much and as long as possible...

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Absolutely agreed, massive profits same time

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Greed, arrogance and ignorance!

Messing with devine creation.

We have been here before. Crimes against humanity, total mismanagement, just ask the old romans, nazis, inkans and so forth.

This time it is the insane few rich individuals behind the industries/ conglomerates and it is global.

By now they have lost it.. it has become a juggernaut and these people think they can hide in their palaces and mansions.. as I said, greed gone insane ... everytime.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee


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Except that it is global and much more insidious ...

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

With that lack of trust comes people not going to the hospital or doctors in a timely manner, resulting in more deaths.

My experience over the last month in getting colonoscopy has been a real eye opener (no pun intended).

They really don't care about us, I struggle to understand why they even became doctors.

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

And that is the insanity of short- term, greedy thinking. Grab and run. It's arrogance, ignorance and greed.

Messing with God's creation like GMO, destroying the environment for yet another dollar more are all signs of the insanity.

They have lost respect... they themselves can't see it anymore... they have truly lost it.

Rich ego maniacs trying to run the show, thinking they can hide in their palaces and mansions... as I said, insane.

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Have caught Dr. Campbell before and I find him very credible. Great post, Dee.

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In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people")[1] is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good because many people think so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum

However, considering the massive propaganda from the ugly media that the deadly injection is "safe and effective", and 33% of people still having the opposite opinion, that should tell you something. There are probably good reasons people lost their trust in the ugly media ... like observing evidence from reality and talking to each other ...

...and possibly awesome scientists and nurses, like Dee Dee, reporting stuff the ugly media won't...

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33% was deaths I wonder what it would be for injuries added to numbers.?

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It would have to be 100%. Since injuries are likely 10-20 times deaths.

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Sheep do have brains and some do get out of the pen by thinking! Then there is the putrid mutton and sadly no hope for them! My parents never had jabs and did not trust them and mother lived to 85 and father to 91!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Do most people today = SHEEPLE? 🐑

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

― Marcia Angell, 2005

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

It's not only the healthcare industry.

Short off those with whom has good positive experience, it's pretty clear that one cannot trust any industry, agency or organization in US. Not even the library.

This does not seem recoverable under current structures and paradigm.

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Jun 28Liked by Dee Dee

Vetinary medicine is insanely corrupted!!!

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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

Lack of trust?


That would imply the possibility of potential reconciliation.


There is no possibility of reform, restructuring or a return to (pseudo-)normalcy.

All notions of “normal” have been been pulverized into dust.

All that is left is a burning desire, an unquenchable thirst for justice, retribution and a revolutionary purging of all apparatchiks who have taken part in this planned, coordinated, organized campaign of DEMOCIDE of the innocent civilian populations of this planet…at EVERY level of complicity.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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Had dinner with a good friend of mine, he is my Dr. (famlly practice) is 71 , a year younger then me , we went all through schools together sports etc. He said all (Doctoring is gone) we are all just employees for large med. combines and that the state and federal govt. till them what to do. He is getting out soon after 50 years and he says because he has no freedom to treat the paitent/customer as he wants to. He says get an indepent Dr out of the system even though he thinks they well be denied the takin of insurance. Sounds like only the wealthy well be able to get good health care.

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Direct primary care!

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The Vaccinated Are Human Derivatives.

I Suggest We Make A Market And Trade Them.

And I Offer A Side Bet:

That They Would Willfully Participate.


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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee


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Jun 27Liked by Dee Dee

HA! Trust U.S. Healthcare? NOT with MY LIFE! My daughter calls it NOTHEALTHCARE.

I call it BIG HARMA. Sadly, IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) it colludes with THE U.S. GOVERNMENT and THE MSM under THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME to destroy US! 😡 When they say "Pfizer!". . .RUN for your life! 😵 The only GREAT NEWS is that we can SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😁 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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