Too funny Dee🤣

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The 'shots' transmit toxins, but I'm not sure what that rhymes with.

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Let the ox in! Okay, not very useful... Haha!

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'Vaccine' comes from cow (vacca), so are ox vaccines called 'voxens'? - it rhymes!

How about:

Give dioxin a voice

It's my toxin of choice (?)

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[applause!!!] Love it!

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Put them all in My socks tin.

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Well, if you let the ox in (to your home)--you're as good as dead. Not many of us have experience in handling oxen.

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LOL! Very true! Haha!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

As ferocious as a dachshund.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Insanity is voting for the same people and expecting different results.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Actually, it's believing that we have honest, fair, certified elections.

Seems like it's not who you vote for that counts, but who is counting the ballots that really matters.

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They pretend to serve and we pretend to vote.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Yes! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) no votes are now counted in U.S. elections 😡 !

Voting has become ONE HUGE FAKE "Elephant and Donkey Show" that I will not watch or partake in. HA! To me voting for your favorite candidate is like waiting in line to get Fauci's Ouchie hoping that it will keep you well! 🥵 FAT CHANCE!

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Always was a show.. it's just blatantly obvious now.

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I had all the shots in nursing school. Never got sick or saw a vaccine cause an illness that transmitted. I would hear people say, "the flu shot gave me the flu". No one was ever "selfish" for refusing. My body my choice. People I love are still getting jabbed...

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Sadly. . .they may die before waking up! 🥵

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Maybe not a show in Washington's or Lincoln's days. I would have voted for them! 😁

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As the Dems like to say" vote early and vote often"🤣

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I loved the rhyme. LOL! Of course, there is no proof of viruses, nor contagion, so...

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Sadly true ... laughable nonetheless.

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Insanity or stupidity? Belief in talismans and denial of reality are key human attributes and the primary reason why the wise - not the self interested - must govern on a foundation of free speech. Thanks for your posts.

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The song of the day. https://rumble.com/v2v6ua8-steely-dan-do-it-again.html

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Author

I love that song! Great video, thank-you!!!

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Exactly. The disgraceful media and Pfizer with a sell out NFL star still trying to shove jabs into everyone. When will the masses wake up?

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That explains our government, Insane.

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We need a spiritual awakening to overcome the insanity…

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Raise your hand if you know someone who got covid right after their covid shot. Its so common the CDC and fed govt got wise and stopped calling them "breakthrough infections"

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the same happens with * all * "vaccines".

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9-10 we all have herd immunity 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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“Everybody’s coughing” said Santiago out of the Dialysis clinic.

I though Covid cured the flu ... like 2 years ago.

Now everyone can get sick again....more test. More office visits. More scratching heads and looking for a diagnosis that if you ain’t looking for an mrna adverse effect, most likely you just refer the ptn to a specialist.

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More people gotta know than are letting on...that's nuts!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

WE ARE BEING SO LIED TO! 😡 The Evil They mean to wear us down (to Chinatown? )before they

spring their "final solution" on us! SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😁 Holistic Healing:

EarthClinic.com. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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My late father used to be one of the poll workers and ballot-counters. (This would be prior to 2006, when he went into decline.) He came home after a night counting, once, and grumbled, "It's all going to Hell in a handbasket." He was meticulous about everything. We didn't ask for particulars, but I'm sure his comment was from close observation of SOMETHING gone horribly awry. So it didn't just start with the easy-to-rig machines.

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That article was priceless. There is so much we don't know and will never know. We simply do not have the ability to see into the future. The future ultimately proves who and or what is right and wrong. Too many variables.

The bottom line with God is faith, and I guess you could say the same thing for science.

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