Does that include pharmacy “clinics,” too.

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"COVID vaccines are still available at other locations, like commercial pharmacies and healthcare clinics not affiliated with Southwest District Health."


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Folks should go in pretending to buy a blood pressure monitor or something like that and say, “Oh, I thought you stopped offering those Covid thingies” and then let them explain thoroughly and then silently walk out in protest 🤣

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While the move is commendable, the injections are more-or-less moot. Already over two years ago (and most likely over six years ago), other delivery systems existed:


The current system "only" needs nanoparticles in the person and 5G or comparable tech:


Since the end of May, 2023, "vaccination" has been legit even through the food supply:


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Sorry, I forgot to mention: mRNA is NOT deployed; it's a red herring:


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Well, seems some limited common sense then despite being the potato state!

Happy Halloween!


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Go Idaho! 1 county at a time. During the 5th last game of the World Series last night, Pfizer ran a poison shot ad, still pumping the death vax.

This must stop!! Idaho we want to join ya. Stuck in blue Washington across the River we go. 1 county at a time.

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be aware the who pandemic treaty has NOT been stopped in fact the who are meeting november 4th they plan to finalise the treaty by november 11th for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack

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Not only that but the US, Mexico, and Canada are developing a cohesive framework to prepare for the next pandemic. The North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI) “recognizes that the high degree of interconnectedness among our three countries of our critical infrastructure, supply chains, and societies means that disruptions affecting one country often impact the others.” The three nations are relying on the One Health approach put forth by the World Health Organization to find a way for the world to respond to future pandemics in a cohesive manner, which may include vaccination passports.

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...the ‘ big Pharma empire builders ‘ do NOT want the music to stop !

In Australia, where I Live, Billions of cv v x shots have been purchased, and vx manufacturing locations built -

But the public are waking up , ( at last ),,, we the enlightened have know for longer than most of the Big Players, whom pulled the cape over this absurd malfeasance -

The good news is , our news is finally getting out - ordinary folk are finally waking up

Is it too late ?

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Same in the UK - Moderna have built a facility , I believe near Oxford, and they are going to produce the new norovirus Mrna jabs. Nothing to see here 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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On the one hand, this means people are waking up and that's a good thing. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of the nanny state telling people which medical treatments they can and cannot have. Would prefer to have these shots still available to those who want them, but with loads of disclosures to sign to be sure people have gotten full informed consent, just like any other medical treatments we should be free to seek.

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I disagree. I don't think any government has the right to offer a product that was designed to kill people or cause serious health issues.

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Problem is that one man's poison is another man's cure. Even within my own family I've seen one life saved by a medication and another life nearly lost to the same medication. The person nearly killed by the medication might want it banned because of their experience, but that doesn't mean there isn't a benefit to someone else from the same medication. We set a dangerous precedent when we ban treatments.

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I'm referring to the Covid jabs. It was known before their rollout they were not properly tested and many serious side effects were reported even in the corrupt clinical trials. The whole thing was a planned attack on humanity. Nothing has ever been done like this before.

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I agree somewhat. However, no ‘medicine’ should ever be made using aborted fetal tissue. That is vile and should be forbidden by law. It violates the child’s right to life - a basic, self-evident truth upon which our nation was founded.

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Evidently, the self evident truth is evidently not evident to a whole lot of people. Our society has devalued human life and dignity making it a commodity or something to manipulate to make a profit. Money has become more important than human life.

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John Campbell says "health care providers have to listen to what our patients are telling us".

Well I tell health care providers they are 'sick fee UN slugs'. Letters got muddled up there, sorry. :)

'health care providers' anagrams to:

eh held prevaricators

doh clever parasite hr

But I like this especially:

The PR rehearsal covid

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One small step in the right direction. How sad so few governments have anyone who actually cares about human health.

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Good but 3 years too late. 70% of our population has been poisoned and the dying has just begun.

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Overall , I do agree with your words ....’ Better late than never ‘ .. mainly because I can’t stand these mid population , indecisive whackers ,, that can’t see this for what it is. Frustration - much

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Mindset. Idaho is a de facto territory of the United States of Washington Dictrict of Columia inc. It is a subdivision in color of law. Idaho does not stand tall. It is a for profit Incorporated governance and needs to be nullified. A power that should not be does something deemed Good. Find your jural assembly and figure out ARTICLE I Section 1. www.orsja.org

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Encouraging results! 😊 We can only hope that they do not get squelched as so many other efforts have been! ☹ Will this "The Genocidal Killing of the Willing" ever stop? 😲 And, what evil surprises are awaiting us " in the wings"? 🙄 Let's face them NATURALLY! EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. Yesterday was "Happy Pumpkin Day!" here. 😁 No pumpkins were stabbed and cut! They show themselves outside here (placed on wood) intact sometimes until April! ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Idaho made the right move...but an even better one would be to eliminate all vaccines asap.

If doctors were really savvy about the immune system and how the body works...they would realize that these injections destroy natural immunity...not enhance it. They are not teaching medical students valid information in medical school. The immune system provides nutrients from wholesome food to every organ in the body...Anything other than food will be rejected by the Immune System. It will work overtime to eliminate foreign proteins or other matter that does not belong in the bloodstream.

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