Fucking "food exposure" as if food is like a radiological hazard making your ass fatter πŸ˜‚

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

Yup. I was just wondering wtf is food exposure... Maybe standing in front of your fridge for prolonged periods with its door open πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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If the only food available were bugs then you wouldn't be fat. See how much we care about you? climate change is also making you fat.

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@Theodore; Is your foul language connected obesity? They both are disgusting!

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Thank you, Steve. That admonition works much better from one man to another. My appreciation.

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Given what is put in some food and how it is treated, perhaps radiological hazard is not so far fetched.

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Probably not. Wouldn't be surprised if there's exposure to at least alpha and beta.

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G-d Bless you, gal.

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Granny Rocks!

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

true AND false. There is a whole lot more to being overweight than fasting, or dieting, or eating less, and exercise. Telling you first hand.

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee


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For sure there is more to it. Including psychological problems too. But no need to set it up as if it is only ever β€˜factors outside the persons own control’.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19Liked by Dee Dee

there is truth to that. There are always exceptions to the general rules that work for almost all people. OTOH I knew a guy who was obese. He hiked the Appalachian trail and lost the weight. Another guy was very obese and got his stomach stapled. He said the secret was walking half hour a day. both stories are true. There really are no easy ways.

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For sure there is more to it. Including psychological problems too. But no need to set it up as if it is only ever β€˜factors outside the persons own control’.

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absolutely agree.

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For sure there is more to it. Including psychological problems too. But no need to set it up as if it is only ever β€˜factors outside the persons own control’.

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How utterly absurd things are now. Dee, We have to co-create better, all of Us.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

Is there a kill shot, sorry, vaccine for that? πŸ˜‡ Hold the line Dee. Plenty of us here and there is a new group of allied health in Australia making a declaration. Lighthouse. X

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There is...It's the fauxine. It'll kill you eventually.

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

Everyone knows it's forks and spoons that make people fat.

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

ban them, they're obviously hazardous to our health.

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They'd eat with their fingers if you removed their utensils...

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Then ultimately its the fingers that hold the utensils that make us fat. Got it. Thanks.

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Dee Dee it is climate change, Bariatiric ….pressure all screwed up look at gageπŸ˜œβ€¦β€¦ u are sweetheart part neanderthall also😍

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That's some world-class bullshit there, but pill pushers are afraid to be honest with their victims.

"Hey, you are fat, and to lose weight, you need to exercise and eat less."

That wouldn't go over well with the fat sheeple.

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Everything except the simple truth. 2500 years ago, the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates was able to help his patients stay well. He advocated: Natural Food and a healthy lifestyle. Eating the wrong foods which are primarily processed and have no fiber...causes weight gain. These foods remain in the body too long... and the next day you get on the scale and you are up a pound or more. (Note men with big stomachs...they have 20 -30 pounds of undigested food in their bodies). I have been fighting the Battle of the Bulge, since I was 13. (77 years ago). One has to pay strict attention to the foods one eats in order to keep the weight down.

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Apr 18Β·edited Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

How about the barrage of injuries to one's endocrine system by endless vaccines? Was that an answer option?

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Food exposure causes obesity? Huh. Did not know. I have been exposed to food my whole life. Nobody told me to gain weight though. At least now you know how to skate through the quiz next time. Too bad the slave owners at "human resources" have jobs. They aren't very useful.

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they force you to retake it until you pass 🀣

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That's ... intensely demonic and evil of them.

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Repetition imparts truth

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reminds me of an army course. In a paper I said we shouldn't have been in the Vietnam war because.... that wasn't the correct response. I had to resubmit.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

So, can you learn enough from previous fails to worm your way through the next test? I'm assuming the questions--though not the subject or intent--change with each repetition.

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some people can eat all they want without gaining weight. I have an aunt who weighs 90 pounds and eats 3 times what I eat. I have another acquaintance, same thing. She says it depends on the thyroid. I also know several people like me who eat very little but are unable to lose weight. Last year I lost 12 pounds being sick (from metformin, prescribed by a crazy doc who thought I had diabetes) and managed to keep it off for a few months. A friend lost 30 pounds after a burst appendix, gained a bit, went on keto diet for 2 years to keep it off, but still gained it all back. I walk quite a bit, but not hiking, just walk the dog. After that metformin debacle I decided not to worry about weight anymore and just avoid seeing doctors LOL. It are usually people who are not overweight, who tell you how to not be overweight. Easy to say if you are not in the situation.

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

There are medications that will pack on the pounds. Low thyroid will pack on the pounds. Screwed up hormones will wreck your world.

I eat ZERO processed. I do not touch sugar. I avoid MSG and peanuts because I am deathly allergic to both. I eat so clean I have to make sure I get enough salt otherwise it goes too low. I eat mostly vegetables and meat, some low glycemic fruit.

I walk 15k+ steps and I do heavy industrial construction.

My weight is STILL AN ISSUE.

Grandma may have been correct back in the day, but grandma never contended with the crap called β€œfood” today.

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The food quality is the issue. 2000 calories of crap processed foods is not the same as 2000 calories of beef, butter, eggs, chicken.

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I eat only beef, chicken, butter (no eggs (allergic) BUT I have to take into consideration their diet as well. The cow ate nothing but grains? The beef triggers MY CELIAC.

Even the β€œgood” food is no longer good food, when they put arsenic and antibiotics in the chicken feed.

The cows are fed road kill and euthanized animals.

I am told I am mental because I refuse to eat a SAD.

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Are you eating meats from general grocery stores such as Stop & Shop or Publix, Winn-Dixie (are they still around?) Costco etc?

Have you considered sourcing from local markets - grass pasture raised and finished beef, completely free-range chickens and pork? Yeah, it seems to cost more when purchasing...but think about all the back end costs of the Big Agra 'meat-market' offered products.

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No, I do not eat the meats from general stores. As my post stated, if they eat grains, I SUFFER.

If I eat meat it is now not only grass fed but certified Kosher.

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Great. Sorry, it wasn't clear.

Do you see a difference, health wise?

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Yes. I do not react to β€œeverything” anymore. My Celiac markers are going down. If I stay strict with my diet, I can function. If I cheat I pay dearly.

I am seeing more and more people react. A friend who thought I was nuts, just figured out Red Dye made her kids beyond hyperactive and belligerent. Sad to say, I find it rather humorous. Who is nuts now?

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I think the birth control pill messes with weight too.

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Apr 18Liked by Dee Dee

I have a question. If "they" get rid of cows, will the supply of bullshit end? No? Din't think so.

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they will probably keep the bulls

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Apr 19Liked by Dee Dee

WTH is the difference between β€œfood exposure” and β€œdiet”?! I’ll go with Gramma as she knows a hell of a lot more than these disingenuous β€œexperts”. I no longer trust β€œThe Science”, thank you Mr. Science aka Fauci. Jerk.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19Liked by Dee Dee

Looks like a covert confession: "reaction to medications" is euphamism for the truth, vaccine injury is the leading cause of obesity. "Genetics" is euphemism that not all are equally injured by injections but those with similar genetics (no scratch that, it is too vague) via the X-chromosom, child retains identical mitochondrial DNA as mother, therefore mitochondrial injury shares similarity in presentation mother to child (assuming identical exposure mother and child and stress could be the factor that allows one to fall to the injury while the other does not).

The test is for social engineering/ mind control purposes yet with the caveate that the newly brainwashed foot soldiers will be participating in a form of disclosure and laundering of liability.

Did you get fat after your childhood schedule? Didn't you listen to the nice nurse practitioner that told you about reactions to medications being the leading cause of obesity? "It's still your fault fatty!"

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grown up ins Belgium, with minimal vaxxing, was way underweight at age 14, then parents managed to feed me to normal weight, at age 30 had surgery and after that never lost the surplus but very temporarily. Now 66, but except for the extra weight, very healthy. Just getting upset every time someone blames eating too much and 'laziness' for being overweight.

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Prior to Dr. Mikovits explaining what is going on, we in the "CFS community" had settled on an understanding that some event was the initial trigger of the illness. The event was not the same for everyone but often it was surgery which was suspected as the trigger to the chronic illness. It was for me and both surgery and transfection through xeno-transplantation ("immunisation") are little understood traumatic events. We are only now reaching the stage of understanding chronic conditions biology to begin to be less superstitious and more fact based.

I think xeno-transplantation it's the right term for injecting foreign (xeno, animal viruses).

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IMO there is still very little known about (human) bodies. In my case it might be a hormonal imbalance, I have been offered synthetic hormone but they can keep that. I am now used to what I see in the mirror, my late husband loved every gram of it, and the dog nor the cats complain! PS the ob-gyn who wanted me to take hormone, also said the extra pounds keep my hormone more or less balances. So what is it LOL. I probably laugh too much?

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Which hormone do they say you are deficient in?

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I don't remember, it has been 37 years

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Never mind I'm sure they didn't even say. It's just sorcery, fancy words to make you believe that they know something that they can't dumb down enough for you to understand, that's not science is sorcery. Im pretty sure that Judy explained the mechanism of obesity via vaccine injury in one of the recent classes, if I run across it in my review then I will share here.

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Three nieces of mine gained a lot of weight after their teen injections. On top of other chronic issues they will have for a lifetime.

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