All elections are fraudulent, but that's something everyone interested might know by now. No matter who is elected, the electorate can be blamed for "voting for the wrong person," while politicians can spend the taxpayer's money unattended...

The next attack will be multi-faceted:


Only a few will survive.

Did I mention that politicians have been bred for the job?

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Exactly! We can go as far as saying no one is elected. Instead, they are selected and groomed for the part they will play in the political theater. If people don’t know this by now, there’s no helping them out of their stupor.

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Selected and groomed: 100%

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Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

"Just say NO" - Nancy Reagan No masks, no vaccines, no lock downs, no distancing. Don't give them anything.

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Can we add no Cackled, Tampon burn it up Tim or the other lefty loonies ?

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Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

I'll just try my hardest to act like it's pre-2020. And ignore it all😁

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

Some days that works for me. Most days it doesn't, quite. Too many fascist loons.

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Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

IGNORE when possible!😀

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The easiest way to prepare is to ignore anything the fedgov says.

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100% ~ Or do the exact opposite! 😉👍

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be George Costanza...do the OPPOSITE !

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

The illegals have never been vaxxinated. The usps workers were exempt. Along with Pfizer employees.

The list is longer but I’ve forgotten the rest.

In other words their story goes it’s imperative that every 1 get vaxxinated except: means their story is a total fabrication. Like 6 feet apart.

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Aug 16Liked by Dee Dee

But the 'powers' are INGNORING the Constitution...

How does one work around that?

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It's pretty hard when the judicial system is almost completely corrupt, as well . . . .

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I hear ya. I get a dose of optimism when I listen to Dr. Pam Popper. Her organization has been winnning some of their cases, and she reports on others.

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Good to know! There's some (limited) encouraging news here, as well:

> https://dailyclout.io/exclusive-vaccine-injured-what-to-do-next/

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Thank you for the important reminder, Dee!

> "May We Never Forget: Congress and The Amish were not forced to take them"

Learn More

> Amish COVID:

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/3f23226f4eb4

> Congressional COVID Scandals:

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/a7b7d2d9f8f7

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No religious or medical exemption for me! I'm exempt from taking any mRNA poisons simply because I DON'T BLOODY-WELL WANT TO TAKE THEM! ... Because I don't trust the bastards who manufacture them and I certainly don't trust the even bigger bastards who are trying to force them into me. They can F**k right off... THAT ALONE ... IS A GOOD ENOUGH REASON

(Excuse my 'french' please, I'm ex-Navy and old habits die hard o|---)

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Indeed. ASKING for an exemption is a recognition of their power over your body in and of itself. The confidentiality of YOUR medical informations is SACRED. Your diagnoses and use of pharmaceuticals are only for you and the family members who help care for you to know. Yes, your trusted physician needs to know...if you still have one. Good luck with that.

You do NOT disclose your medical info to the restaurant waitress in exchange for a seat and a meal, the theater in exchange for a movie ticket, not even your employer in exchange for a job.

Confidentiality is SACRED, it is the first shield against coercion.

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