Yes...Absolutely fact. However, as I am fond to include: Mockingbird destroyed trust from the moment of it's inception in 1955. It's been a long road--and the MSM has been a formidable brainwashing agent and tool of indoctrination.

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The visual sure speaks volumes.

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of course, it depends who spreads the misinformation. those we mistrust are those that spread the misinfomation ! government and doctors. A friend went to a 'naturopath', first thing they wanted to do was test her for covid and do a strep test (she went for something completely unrelated). These are the people we should trust??? and naturopath? I would have left immediately !

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Aug 18Liked by Dee Dee

My acupuncturist was mandating new pts show proof of vax. Despicable

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To this day it amasses me how many natural paths and alternative medicine people also drak the cool aide also!

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It’s so obvious to those of us who can “see”…

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Donald, it would have been much better if they had "drak" the Kool-Aid! 😊

But, no, they drank it!.😥I am amazed to learn this. I now wonder what is in their natural healing? 😲

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Ok got F in spelling but A in all the rest. Spell check off🤪

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Yes, Donald! It's the thought that counts! 😊 And, thankfully, you can

still THINK because you did NOT take Fauci's Ouchies! 😄

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Especially after learning about homeopathy.

When I learned the premise while selling chemotherapy I knew I was on the wrong side of the tracks.

I even started investigating the Rockefeller version of medicine… how our current system is founded on

The wrong foundations.

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I also dabbled in the pharma industry, many years ago. Left asap, a bad fit for anyone who cares about people.

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well and compassionately said.

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how interesting that homeopathy is all but banned in the USA now, thanks to the FDA - they'd been trying to for decades. Hylands no longer sells single (inexpensive) remedies in the USA. Now all we can get, it seems, is the very expensive Boiron brand. The other two cheaper contenders have been literally disappeared here in the US. Don't know if they folded, or what. The other remedies we can get in the USA are all mixtures of too many remedies when sometimes - a lot of the time - single or few remedies work best for acute stages especially. I use several tried and true basic homeopathic remedies for a lot of acute things like broken bones and 'cold' and 'flu' symptoms. I read and experiment, since I haven't the money for a practitioner here. The worst that happens is... nothing. I'd much rather take my chance on 'nothing' - including no side effects or contra-indications with anything. When a remedy works, it's miraculous and fairly instant. That's my experience in acute situations. The rest, I wish I could study and become more proficient at it. Would love to hear more about your own journey from chemotherapy to homeopathy.

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In a positive light, CONVID destroyed misplaced trust.

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I read a 1920's article on a town that stressed disinfecting as opposed to silly face diapers, f[or the misnamed Spanish Flu] for their town & it paid off! (I tried to re-find that article but couldn't!) It may have been scrubbed for pharma's protection!

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Very interesting, Steve, thanks for sharing. Sure would not be surprised if the article you came across got wiped. Much harder to pull off CONJOB-19 style ops when people have knowledge to anchor their decisions!!

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you might try archive.org and other archived sites. I've had good luck with them on various topics and old books and papers including OOP things.

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No trust because unfortunately Dr. just want the life style of the good life. A calling is a thing of the past. New world order people just want us all dead. Remember the Georgia guide stones 500,000,000.

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But covid did not destroy trust in the medical professionals. The medical professionals themselves, individually and collectively, did it by following the protocols of masking and isolation. They KNEW those things were wrong and abusive in 2019.

Prior to spring of 2020, we could tell ourselves they were well meaning but deceived into pushing drugs by years spent in pharma-controlled medical schools. By masking and isolating, they proved they were not well meaning. They were knowingly hurting people.

They could have preserved their reputations by standing against the tide. Yes, it might have cost their jobs and licenses. But they would have had their integrity.

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Very good point, I will say I know ONE person who to this day, whole heartedly believes (nurse), however I suspect the majority were holding onto their jobs by "just following orders".

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Indeed. TRUTH, LIES and ERRORS. That's it. That's all there is.

Please, let's all avoid using the word "Misinformation" and its variants. These words were invented to confuse us, to make us look elsewhere, to virtue-signal while denying the very existence of the truth and of objective reality. https://open.substack.com/pub/drmamabear/p/misinformation-disinformation-what

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very good point on the misuse of that word and its variants to propagandize, lie, and confuse people even more.

Truth. lies, and errors - those words are to the point and mean what they say.

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"Slow the spread". Yup.

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Aug 18Liked by Dee Dee

Is he really a doctor or just that ignorant?

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It is clear it was all planned to what was allowed to be said and by whom when it is known that in Feb 2020 FACEBOOK held a meeting to discuss of all this and clearly put controls/factfeckers in place etc!---WHO WAS ALL AT MEETING!?-----In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.

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If We want to address misinformation, We would best start with the Rockefeller twin towers of lies: viruses and contagion. Neither have ever been proven, in the least! And then address the tool that allowed the lies to be taught as truth.

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

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I did not have TRUST in "the medical professionals" to begin with. I considered them to be glorified "drug pushers."😡 I came up with "BIG HARMA" as a moniker. My daughter Joy uses NOTHEALTHCARE. So. . .now there is BIG HARMA = NOTHEALTHCARE! 😲 Need I write any more? WHAT'S LEFT? Natural Healing! 😊 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏

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I have no trust in Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General. He co-chaired President-elect Biden's COVID-19 Advisory Board from November 2020 to January 2021.

In 2011, Murthy was appointed by Barack Obama to serve on the Presidential Advisory Council on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health within the Department of Health and Human Services.[18] The group advises the National Prevention Council on developing strategies and partnerships to advance the nation's health through prevention.[19] In 2012, Murthy worked as co-chair of Obama's healthcare advisory committee during his re-election campaign.


Murthy spoke during the 2020 Democratic National Convention.[48] In his speech, described as "uncharacteristically political for a physician who largely eschewed politics" in office, called for stronger leadership amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

On September 5, 2020, Murthy joined the advisory council of the Biden-Harris Transition Team, which was planning the presidential transition of Joe Biden.[50][51] On November 9, Murthy was announced as one of the three co-chairs of then-President-Elect Biden's coronavirus advisory board,


Before his Senate confirmation, Murthy disclosed a total of 1.7 million dollars in consulting for Netflix ($547,500), Airbnb ($410,000), Carnival Cruise Line ($400,000), Estee Lauder ($292,500). He also disclosed hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from dozens of organizations, for example "$30,000 from Duke University Kenan Institute for Ethics for a speech I gave in January 2021.

In November 2013, Murthy was nominated by Barack Obama for the post of United States surgeon general.[22] His nomination met resistance in the Senate by some Democrats, Republicans, and the National Rifle Association of America regarding previous comments Murthy made declaring gun violence as a threat to public health.


He also partnered with Elmo and Top Chef to inform the country about vaccines and healthy eating, respectively.

Additionally, Murthy has worked on the effects of climate change on the country's health.[37]

In a 2016 interview, he stated "by the end of the century, we are looking at an increase of tens of thousands of illnesses and death episodes because of climate change."[38] Murthy has also spoken out against conversion therapy, stating that "conversion therapy is not sound medical practice.

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COVID didn't destroy the trust of world's citizens, the "health care" establishment destroyed every ounce of trust they once had 🤬

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A Brilliant Ready-Made Poster, Dee Dee!

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The fountainhead of mis/dis/mal information is telling us how dangerous it is. The irony of projection. “Always blame your enemy for exactly what you’re doing.”Saul Alinsky

Well they the hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, pharmacist, public health officials every 3 letter agency and big pharma that was charged to deliver health care Has now become a potential enemy.

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I wouldn't say a potential enemy. I would say enemy. But that's just me.

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