Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Well, we all know that there *is* no virus!

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

I drove school bus during “pandemic” taking kids to sports events; they had to wear masks on bus (I refused) but when they got to their game, no mask required, because apparently no covid spread in close contact sports such as basketball & wrestling 😂🤪

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As a former cross-country (runnning) coach, I watched vids of kids wearing masks at XC start-lines, ripping them off when the gun fired, then re-muzzling themselves while they were still panting violently. Unhealthy? Stupid? Hypocritical? Where does one even begin?

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Ah, the "Good" children!

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

and we were supposed to be the adults who would stop this stupidity and foolishness. Embarrassing and shameful. Not that any one could of course. The herd wouldn't allow it.

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Worryingly moronic. But adults told them. They were adulterers,, adulterating the truth part and parcel of the 7th commandment.

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I might quibble about keeping it simple, with a focus on the 9th commandment, but spiritual adultery is an underappreciated category these days, so... Amen! :)

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Cognitive dissonance at work! I remember warnings going out not to mask while swimming as evidently there were people out there either doing it or trying to force it. They were masking long distance runners in high school, at least until that poor young woman fainted at the finish line and took a rather nasty spill.

Thank you for your stance!

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I refused to wear a mask all throughout this nonsense. I had a run in at hospital in Brighton UK with staff over this whilst waiting for immuno-therapy treatment (outside in blazing sunshine).

I think I was only one in treatment sessions without mask.


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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

the lack of discernment and logic was mind boggling. dozens of examples, like wearing one of those plastic masks when it says on the box that they don't work for a virus or whatever.

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That would take reading, too much effort.

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I did NOT take the jab cuz I don't scare easy... :)


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Ditto. Having reached my biblical three score and ten everything else is overtime. I take the same POV as that great philosopher Alfred E. Neuman ... 'Wot? Me worry?' ... Not bloody likely! ;o)

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I got ice cream

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Well, maybe we do need to apply our intellect sometimes!

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I was hoping for pudding.

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Said it before elsewhere, but here we go again: eldest daughter lives in UK. I was prepared never again in this life to wrap my arms around that child (or her children, my grandchildren), if that injection was the price of access.

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I love all your work, Dee, but this one truly stands out. (It is also heartbreaking.) And one of the lenses through which I see these is that of IDOLATRY. I.e., willingness to sacrifice conscience and common sense on the promise of obtaining fill-in-the-blank thing that you want more than God whose promises are true and sure and good (unlike the glittery lies of the sorcerer-pharmakaeists).

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Thank-you and agree

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"God told me to take it." Yeah, the god of this world.

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I know several people who took it because the Pope told them they should do it for love.

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That needed to be said...

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While the Russians around me were going for the shot like it was candy, I'm pleased to relate that the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia started out "neutral" on the "medicine", then switched to advising against it upon observing a string of "sudden deaths" in hierarchs and parishioners.

I think they're the only public "religious" authorities who never actually coerced anyone to take the shot. Plenty of masking tape at six foot intervals to deface the sanctuary.

I recall in reading about the inception of the Gulag that some of the rationale included language translating as "quarantine" -- and likewise with the German concentration camp system.

The image of this arose a little earlier. In 1908, the public health authorities in St. Petersburg wanted the water blessed at Theophany to be boiling as it was blessed, to protect the public. Their recommendation wasn't accepted back then.

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I didn't....

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Then there are those of us who didn't.



Because we don't fear a disease

We don't trust it when the government pushes something

Or when they offer consolation prizes for taking it

or threaten you if you don't take it.

Or we studied enough medical science or history to know how

to live through the disease that was no more than the

common cold.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

From the lockdowns it was obvious to me that something was wrong about this. Even then, in 2020, in the mainstream media, you could get the information that the fatality rate for healthy people was extremely low and for healthy children effectively zero.

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Human kind justifies or rationalizes (reasons) for everthing. I am convinced we have to take it to God and several other people that we know from observation that they usually do right. Other wise our decision are not always right and I learned to be leary of the med. establisment. Dee illustrates this

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Love your pictures, Dee Dee. I think of the people I know who took it-- a few were genuinely terrified of dying of covid, and a few were gung-ho to get EVERYBODY INCLUDING THE MAILMAN AND THEIR THIRD COUSIN VAXXED NOW!!!! But most took it, so it seems to me from what they said to me at the time, because it was easier to take it than not, and they simply would not, and could not, consider that the jabs might be something other than "safe and effective."

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so the issue, Trans B, is essentially: indoctrination.

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Or 'In doctor in nation'.

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see clarification above --- and, 'thanks'

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they took it because of ideas they had. We might say that in all cultures everyone is indoctrinated. Of course cultural systems used to vary a lot so a person would be indoctrinated into a particular cultural system---Americans in the American cultural system, English in the British system, etc.. A Sioux Amer-Indian would be indoctrinated into that cultural system; true enough. The unique thing with the system in the US (the US/American 'cultural' system) is that it changes and also it is science-based. This can be a very dangerous mix and it could be ominous. In other words, things go very wrong if the science is wrong. So "science" may easily go wrong because the "science," in practice, is an indoctrination system. (This has become one of my unexpected themes as a Substacker. My only "Sections" are ECONO and regular newsletter posts so one needs to search a little but I now have maybe five or six posts in some way elaborating on these ideas about science as our unique cultural construct and, generally speaking, a "myth," similar to other myths---Greek, whatever.)

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Meh... I was in Cabo in December 2019. Somewhere within the last few days or the flight back, I got 🦠❗️ I was pretty ill for a solid week and it took a couple weeks to even feel better. Then they rolled out the Red C🦠VID Carpet in January 2020👀❗️Unvaxxed, Alive, and Unapologetic❗️#Naturalimmunity🤭

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Given the indoctrination that there are such things as "deadly viruses," it's interesting that Most had other reasons to be jabbed. I would think Many would say, "I didn't want to get sick!" Sad knowing that getting jabbed greatly increased One's likelihood of getting sick - and dying.

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Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

Don't see "everybody else is doing it."

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"Reason" is also the word for "intellect," so intellect does not always solve it, or give the answer to every basic question. We cannot rely on intellect for everything. Application of intellect is not the way to solve every problem, because there are other ways. Intellect may catch up --- later.

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The most painful reason to read: "I was forced"; sounding like the familiar euphemism.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Dee Dee

I can kind of understand forced under certain conditions. A family, bills, mortgage, good job is a powerful influence. I think but don't know for sure that most people get their news from MSM. And there is always the press of making a living doesn't leave many with much time to reflect or think critically. Plus they are taught not to anyway. I just don't know. Most of the young men I've talked to around here refused the injection. One said he was employer forced and "I only got one." When you ask they really can't articulate why. A common response is " I already got the coof, it was nothing".

One of the other things the reptiles count on is the invulnerability and invincible feeling of youth. And the fear of the elderly.

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I agree. Had I not been of the age to qualify for social security, though my decision would have been the same, it would have been miles more inconvenient.

The invulnerability of the youth and the fear of the elderly -- you're right again. It's a puzzle to me why one in his eighties would be unduly afraid of death, but I saw plenty of it. Yeah, I admit, one'd death is a rather serious matter; maybe I take it too lightly.

I recall one of NE's posts titled "Controlling the Mark", referring to the manipulation of a victims feelings around ineffective police intervention, &c. I commented that his reference tempered my enjoyment of the SNL covid skit. But it is very good, I recommend watching it. I showed it to three of our kids, all four of which are "fully vaccinated". I marveled at their awe of any suggestion of hoax via Saturday Night Live, which they regard as being as trustworthy as, say, CNN or BBC.

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For "I was forced" read "I thought I had no choice". Fear stopped them thinking 'If the jab harms me, what then to keeping my job or paying my debts?'

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