Dear Beautiful Nurse Dee, I can't even look at that monster without having so much disgust. How did so much evil happen on this beautiful earth. Sending love. xo Marcia.

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understand completely

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This guy…why would anybody take him serious?

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

he bel9ngs in a psychiatric ward without exit

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I suspect that he already is there, but he does not realize this.

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Ha ha ha. Good one lets hope the orderlies are very very evil!

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It's nice to point out the contradiction in the official narrative...

"Saving lives" was a criminal psyop, and many fell for it:


Eventually, people will be asked to literally sacrifice themselves, perhaps for "humanity," perhaps "to save the Planet," but it all boils down to the loss of human dignity and self-respect that comes from being treated as a government asset:


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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

Canada is already doing that, sending suicide kits to whoever complains.

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REALLY? They SHOULD send those suicide kits to Bill Gates of Hell and Dr. Mengele Fauci! Doing this will INCREASE the world's healthy population!

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

Such an evil man

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Did anyone ask the Angel's permission to save anyone's life?

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

Philanthropath. As I have said before, even in his business that he made so much money on, it was (& still is) shitty software/ hardware combo that was forever crashing (blue screen of death) that was sold to company managers who didn’t have to use it, who made their employees suffer using it because it was cheaper than properly designed and vetted systems (like Apple), so he has a history of exploitation and misanthropy. Just a sociopath.

Even the B&MGF is just a racket for creating more profits, with little regard, actually, NO regard for the wholistic effects of his intervention.

Even if he lives to be 200, he won’t run out of money.

He will find that there is hell to pay.

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Your last sentence is the truth.

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Bill does hail from a lineage of eugenicists

So there's that.

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Well. . .what you may mean is that after judgement Bill Gates of Hell may have to pay for his sins by burning up in "The Lake of Fire." 🔥

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Jun 17Liked by Dee Dee

Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I don’t know if any other meaning of the phrase.

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Philanthropath!! I like that word!

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Not original with me, but you may use it.

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

he has children, at least 2. Ursula Nazi has 7 ! These are the people that say there are too many people or earth. Why are they still here then? And why do they have children?

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They only don’t want us peons having children, so they can be the masters they believe they are.

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Jun 17Liked by Dee Dee

Some pigs are more equal than others.

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

Is this what the majority of trust baby brats think about? Certainly not RIGHT.

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Mankind is inheritantly evil and believes all kinds of nonsense to Justify There evil schemes. Gates has it far far worse then most. God believers or rational humans always run there schems by a spiritual adviiaors or trusted individuals who well NOT CO-SIGN there bull shit.

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In the mid 90s, Gates was virtually unknown. He was just a computer guy, a salesman with a tech background. What happened?

I may have even shook his hand once. I was sent (for work; journalist) to Texas to hear a speech he was giving. Pretty anodyne stuff, I think. I'll have to find my write up one of these days. Ironically, the publication I did work for covered the medical field. But neither Gates' speech nor the conference was specifically medical in nature. I'll have to find my story. This was before the internet archived everything.

Everything Gates-wise changed in 2000 when MS got sued/indicted by the feds for antitrust violations. And everyone just accepted that the government could order MS to what, break up into small companies, sell off their patents? Gates just went along with all this? Did he?

We're just living in some sort of Truman show. I don't get it. Where does this megalomania of the US small businessman/woman/they come from? Aren't people just happy to get rich, ^%&# whoever they want and eat some damn good food and call it a life? What happened to those folks?

"Hey, ClownWorld Shakespeare, any thoughts on world population?"

"Yeah, pal, who gives a shit? That's my thought. I'm too busy writing whatever it is I write."


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“Power corrups and absolute power corrupts absolutley”

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Jun 16Liked by Dee Dee

The planet was never overpopulated to begin with…particularly in developed Western nations where 1-3 children per family is the norm.

Yet, these democidal bioweapons invented to cull vast swathes of humanity have been aimed directly at wealthy, mostly Western, primarily White-majority countries.

By comparison, the global South, where family sizes are generally much larger, has not been attacked as relentlessly as first world countries.

This was NEVER ABOUT OVERPOPULATION, but rather envy, resentment and hatred of Western civilization.

This is a CIVILIZATIONAL CONFLICT waged by traitorous Marxist totalitarians with lab-created bioweapons, both viral and “vaccines”….and these psychopaths still have freezers-full of these gain-of-function-ed pathogens in BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs across the globe.

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Did you notice him laughing as he was speaking at the end? This laughter reveals the truth.

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What a repugnant individual he is. His legacy will shame him and any and all who are condemned to carry his DNA.

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I don’t like Bill Gates very much either but it’s still true that people would have fewer (not zero) children if they were healthier and wealthier. Think about the reproduction rate in parts of Africa vs. wealthy 1st world countries.

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Birth rates are naturally regulated by the local environment- trouble comes when overseas aid comes in and increases an already unsustainable population

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so what are you saying exactly? that poor sick people reproduce far more? I think it has more to do with belief systems, and lack of POWER. Women do not have the same access to rights, and personal power in poor nations.

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Jun 17Liked by Dee Dee

Bill Gates of Hell? His face reveals that he does not look so healthy himself. Maybe this is

because he's responsible for so many deaths of children in places like Africa. Baby and child killers mentioned in the Bible had horrible ends.

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Ass in the nation begs assassination

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