deletedMay 18Liked by Dee Dee
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The new age lobotomy!

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May 18Liked by Dee Dee

Truly sad to see so many mentally ill. Gender identity has awoken a new breed of dysfunctional people who will only get worse with all the hormones and drugs they are taking.

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Yes, the suicide rate among the young and better educated well go sky high

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Dee Dee, By now you could publish a fascinating (and very effective) book just with all the great graphics you've created.

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Do you see a lot of illegal immigrants using the hospital ER? Or homeless people? Cartoon makes it seem like your hospital is empty. Before C-19 I did not want to go to H. Now I avoid going to H and am very selective about who I will see and for what.

As for everyone being damaged, it’s complicated as to causes, but it’s convenient for elites as to timing. Replace us with migrant peons? We are too sick and divided to resist? It must be far worse in other places, because everyone wants to take the cartel hike over the border.

Don’t watch TV. Don’t read the news. Learn practical things. Don’t use social media.

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Hospital was empty during the pandemic 2020, before the vaccines. That's what created the "Dystopia".

We have MANY homeless and drug addicts in and out of the ER all day and all night. Not sure the immigrants have found us yet...agree with your recommendations!

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My local hospital is requiring security checks at the door. I wondered what prompted it.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Dee Dee

It's true! People can't seem to control their impulses. I'm struggling too. Executive functioning has been hijacked! Trying to get back in balance. I also know many who struggle... so many confounding factors. Insurance is putting more constraints on treatment facilities, which could be by design or just the complete lack of care. You've got to want to get better - not much "help" anymore.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Dee Dee

They kept pot shops open, liquor stores open, to sedate the masses of their anxieties!!

The damage has been done!! The trauma fuckery


They mock us. While counting billions of dollars scammed from the biggest scam in mankind’s history. And we are bickering where the mutha fucking virus came from …. 4 years ago as the bad guys have bought their legal contracts, bought their politicians, internet, google, Facebook

Licking their lips to steal another election.

Damage control … they ain’t done either!!!

Waiting for the 5 G trip switch to usher in disease X

Praying I am that some supernatural intervention

Happens…. BC I have lost faith in mankind’s authority to right the ship!!!

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Wholeheartedly agree!

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4 years !!!! Not one twisted conniving evil person has seen jail.

J6 those people just walked in the Capitol no intentions of evil

Pays to kill 17 million

Make billions

That is just what is has been happening

Fuck the lab or the meat market



Thank Dee Dee

Vent is over !!!

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Everyone is affected, buth the jabbed and the unjabbed. How can it be good to be treated like we were? How can it be right, to separate people like they did, how we the un-injected were blamed for infecting people with an illness we did not have (and that did not even exist). I do not want to reconnect with the people that treated me like I had leprosy and that came to me one single time, with masks on, while I live in the middle of the woods. I don't trust any doctor in town. Neither do my other, un-injected friends. Where are we to go if we need medical help? What a mess !

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Some direct primary care docs and naturopaths know what’s what.

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seems like I have to drive 2 hours to the next one over. Haven't found one near by.

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Some naturopaths are now brainwashed, especially the younger ones, so try to find a doc through your contacts.

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Is this poor health and poor well-being a large part of the tyranny? If people are not thinking properly, how could someone make reasonable decisions? How can people discern fact from fiction?

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All true, it has been the long term plan.

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Admitting we can’t do it alone, and asking for help takes courage. We can’t always be strong, but we can be brave 🙌

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Apologies for dishing my poem on you. It's my recipe for getting through tough times. Wrote it after my new husband died before we even knew each other 3 whole years. I keep revisiting that resolve and determination to be alive and loving while I'm alive. So many loved ones simply do not want to see the evil going on in the world and I am determined that evil ain't gonna suck me under a swamp of despair. Here ya go..... Crossing the Pond

I've decided not to live my life

hopping from anniversary of grief to anniversary of woe.

Like a frog crossing the pond

jumping from lily pad to lily pad,

above still and dark waters

unable to see where I’m headed

on such a fragile and lowly perch

never reaching solid footing.


I will take purposeful strides

across the flowing river of life

Stepping from stone to stone...

There, high above the water

I can choose a course

Calling on the wisdom,

courage and strength

of those who came my way

and now are gone.

Each successful step

A reminder of the blessings

each brought into my life...

And I will thank God

that loss can become gain.

© by B Gayle Dailey 11/18/2006

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Yes beautiful! You too are/where HEROS. Remember. “ pain is the touchstone of all human progress”

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Inspiring, thank-you.

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I am very sorry for your loss. The poem is beautiful, carry on The Most High will carry us through as we all endure until the end. Keep your faith sister🩷

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sooooo beautiful, thank-you!

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Maybe it's not all COVID. Just watched a super interesting podcast about chem trails. I never thought I'd go there - I used to LAUGH at people who raved about the squiggly lines in the sky - but if they contain aluminum oxide, this could be affecting us as well. I'll take that with a grain of salt. I'd be interested to see the background study that caused Tennessee to ban them.

I found this on the geomagnetic storms effect also interesting - and timely. I know I seem to get really anxious and I don't sleep well, then I find out we just had one hit. But I'm one of those fortunate people who gets headaches from air pressure before a storm. Sensitive is NOT a positive when it's connected to these physical downers.


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Agree. It’s bad in Wa. Also, just because a state “ bans” them, they may still exist. Gov. has the power to do what they want under “ national security”. They don’t have to justify anything.

“ Bioweapons” are an example. Gov. works with business and creates contracts that shield both from liabilities. I’m pretty convinced with the chemtrails and damage caused. The planes here fly at high altitudes & never show on Flight apps. My Plane Finder app. shows commercial, military, private, drones, etc. & they never pick these up. Ever. I watch the trails start and stop and zigzag all over. These are not contrails. They stay in the air for hours & hours.

Interestingly, when I’ve videotaped them, and slowed my video down, shot by shot, I see black drones that look like bugs. They fly at extremely high speeds and would never see with naked eye. I may write a note on it sometime. Are they always there? Or only when I video the sky? Not sure. But it’s happened too many times now. It’s not coincidence and I have pictures. Different days, always the same black bug -like flying things.

Now that’s a conspiracy theory. Except it’s not a “ theory” anymore. One day I write a note on a paper. I put my camera on ( just on my iPhone) , and waited. On the note I wrote, “ IF THIS IS OUR BEST SURVEILLANCE, WE’RE FUCKED.”

I thought it’d be fun for the bosses to see that. Whomever they are. 😂 I’m on their list. That’s fine. I’m not scared.

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Sadly, lest We do something, They will mess more and more with Us. And thus My work.

Solving for Poverty (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-poverty

The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-third-option-anarcho-abundancism

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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The children's vaxes contained substances that wiped out the pineal gland...Seat of Consciousness. This started back in the 1950s with mass vaccination required in order for children to go to school. I know it damaged my children...difficult to talk to them about anything truly spiritual. Religion yes, because their father took them to church. They are not open to thinking outside the box; close-minded; and difficult to talk to them, because they don't accept anything that disagrees with the way they were taught. As a child, my parents taught me to think. My father played chess with me for four years, which is a great teaching tool. My father told me, not to believe something, just because it is in a book. He spoke to me about many things, but never tried to influence my thinking. I was permitted to have a mind of my own. The vaxes also contained many elements that affected the pituitary Gland, the hypothalamus, and every cell in the entire body; lowering the health of every recipient; it overwhelmed the immune System...it did not enhance it. Patents hid all the destructive items in these vile injections. The problems of today with so many mentally ill people started with mass vaccination, no-nutrient processed foods; fast foods, more money to buy alcohol and drugs, etc. Things were very different in the 30s, 40s and early 50s. People didn't have a lot of money. When affluence occurred, the trouble started. Money is not always a blessing!

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May 19Liked by Dee Dee

I think also flouride in the water and toothpaste affects the endocrine system, hormones and pineal gland. They basically have been poisoning us, including our children, for a long time.

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Dee, You are so right! All the cell towers, cellphones, laptops, microwave ovens, utility monitoring devices, etc, make it even even worse now with the world bathed in electronic radiation...its killing everything; animals, birds, insects, bees, trees, and its effecting people, too. Its a bit difficult to figure out...whose behind eliminating ALL life on the planet?

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No kidding. Our GenZers are a kick-ass crew, but they are still susceptible to not being able to afford housing making $75K per year. It wears on them and it is wearing hard to not moving in a prosperous direction; the worst part is they knew what was in front of them getting out of school in early 2020. Talk about a kick to the stones.

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LEFT? No. Sadly, I don't believe that the COVID QUACKCINE CONSPIRACY has really left us. It seems to be morphing into other damaging consequences like the closing of reasonably priced brick and mortar stores. 😡 BIG HARMA and NOT HEALTHCARE are making MORE money from drugs because of evil side effects from taking Fauci's Ouchies and maladies like blood clots from the jabbed victims' shedding. 😥 We CAN choose to SURVIVE by STAYING WELL NATURALLY! 😁 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 🙏

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I wanted to add this. I Just took a look at one of my substacks: This Upside Down World! It was inspired by an article written by amidwesterndoctor.substack.com. How Vaccines Affect Intimate Relationships and Gender Activity. He said that evidence points to personality disorders, neurological and auto-immune problems, ADHD, impulsivity, and violent or sociopathic Disorder. Vaccines cause MBD (Minimal Brain Disorders). The level of violence and very strange behaviors can be traced to vaccines...I added that the psychiatric drugs that so many young people have been given. are another cause of antisocial behavior. They also destroy initiative.

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That is all scary. I work in early learning. There is so much going on with children.

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