One brother died from the CV-19 vax...he wanted to travel. Another one boasts about the 5 boosters he took. His esteemed doctor said they were Safe & Effective. His brain was probably damaged from all the vaccines. he received, when he went into service...He had a. temperature of 109 degrees.
I warned my brother, but he wouldn't listen. He was 84 and in good health, until he took the vaxes. All you can do is try to help...and if people want to commit suicide, then you can't shed a tear.
Well. . .we can still be sad about it. 😥 My fiancé was 84 when he passed this past October having advanced COPD and was bedridden. He was in fine health when we met in May, '21. He had received two Moderna jabs early in '21 even though he hated shots. 😲 Fauci's Ouchies are "The Genocidal Killing of the Willing." ☹
I have several friends with new issues (trigeminal neuralgia, early onset Parkinson's, un-diagnosable neurological issues, and more) who refuse to consider that any of these could be related to the jabs they took, even if it might help with treatment. I think one said they brought it up to their doctor and were told it couldn't be related which they promptly accepted as gospel. These are smart, educated people.
Thank you, Dee Dee, for keeping us aware of how blind most people are. Especially those who should be able to see by this point. Which should tell us something.
STARGATE is coming. It will make the covid plandemic pale in comparison.
There will be no freedom or choice of any kind.
Trump has handed the American people over to a gang of psychopaths -
Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and Masa Yoshi San. The faces of STARGATE. As well as Trump.
Make no mistake. These are Con Men. Playing out a Confidence Game on us all. Including Trump.
All the shenanigans of withdrawing from the WHO, DEI, Transgender sports, etc., are smokescreens to soothe the Marks (the American people) as the con game progresses.
Pray for guidance and discernment. The majority will go over the cliff. Don't be one of them.
How many times a day do you just shake your head 🤪
IKR? And she must have a really good chiropractor for all the neck pain.
The programming is strong with so many.
Stupidity runs amok
Yep! Stupid was the real pandemic!
It's terrifying that these people are meant to be "in charge" of our health, when they are the most delusional, brainwashed, unthinking people around.
None so blind than those who refuse to see.
One brother died from the CV-19 vax...he wanted to travel. Another one boasts about the 5 boosters he took. His esteemed doctor said they were Safe & Effective. His brain was probably damaged from all the vaccines. he received, when he went into service...He had a. temperature of 109 degrees.
So sorry for your loss...
Barbara, so very sad for your loss! I hope that you were close. I have two mean brothers
one older, one younger who are NOT close. But they are still alive and kicking! 🙄
I warned my brother, but he wouldn't listen. He was 84 and in good health, until he took the vaxes. All you can do is try to help...and if people want to commit suicide, then you can't shed a tear.
so true
Well. . .we can still be sad about it. 😥 My fiancé was 84 when he passed this past October having advanced COPD and was bedridden. He was in fine health when we met in May, '21. He had received two Moderna jabs early in '21 even though he hated shots. 😲 Fauci's Ouchies are "The Genocidal Killing of the Willing." ☹
Find or form your Jural Assembly ARTICLE I Section 1 on your state.
Potential response:
"Did you consider restraining him and forced injection? Because it sounds like you just aren't trying hard enough."
After the first boosters, there can be no excuse!
I call it the gift that keeps on taking. Maybe that should be the grift that keeps on taking.
And we are still the Marks in the Con Game. It's not over. The final fleecing hasn't begun.
Which will end all freedom, Freedom Lover.
Get your booster, get your shots!
Now with 25% more chance of myocarditis and turbo cancer.
I have several friends with new issues (trigeminal neuralgia, early onset Parkinson's, un-diagnosable neurological issues, and more) who refuse to consider that any of these could be related to the jabs they took, even if it might help with treatment. I think one said they brought it up to their doctor and were told it couldn't be related which they promptly accepted as gospel. These are smart, educated people.
Your smart educated friends are why we must keep saying what we know to be true.
Trump has launched STARGATE on the American people. Run by a collection of perverse psychopaths - Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and Masa Yoshi San.
STARGATE will end all privacy and choice. It is the beast system.
The system is already up and will be running in no time while we are distracted.
The entire "THING" was presented in Trump's first press conference.
The vast majority of people will blindly fall into this trap. Try to pull as many back as you can. God Bless.
IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) Trump will be the U.S. president to enforce
"The Mark of the Beast: CHRISTIANITY!" in Revelation 13:18. I post publicly and
Maybe educated but not smart !!!!!!
NOT SMART ENOUGH! I have a NEW saying:
"Growing Old Is Not For Dummies!" 😊
Thank you, Dee Dee, for keeping us aware of how blind most people are. Especially those who should be able to see by this point. Which should tell us something.
STARGATE is coming. It will make the covid plandemic pale in comparison.
There will be no freedom or choice of any kind.
Trump has handed the American people over to a gang of psychopaths -
Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and Masa Yoshi San. The faces of STARGATE. As well as Trump.
Make no mistake. These are Con Men. Playing out a Confidence Game on us all. Including Trump.
All the shenanigans of withdrawing from the WHO, DEI, Transgender sports, etc., are smokescreens to soothe the Marks (the American people) as the con game progresses.
Pray for guidance and discernment. The majority will go over the cliff. Don't be one of them.
God Bless.
It never ceases to amaze me.
Absolutely *terrifying* when *medical* professionals do *not* understand even the most basic, fundamental *medical* facts about these injections . . .