I have five children and four fell for the fear mongering SCAMDEMIC. One of them and I said it was a cold/flu that had been grabbed hold of for an EVIL SATANIC AGENDA!? I stick with those thoughts!

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My midwestern farm-raized mother of 8 boys taught me much about "medicine." Doctors Pharma "medicine" failed to treat my brother's granulated eyelids disorder, 40 years ago. Mom tried a folk remedy, boric acid, & in 2 days it was all cleared up, [for ever] the [so-called] pediatrician doctor rejected & raged on that treatment, just like brainwashed pharma-pimping doctors of today raging on Ivermectin HCQ & Fenbendazole, causing much death & suffering, but earning much money for our 50 Billion in fraud fines & *leader in cause of death, Big Pharma's! It's all to teach us that, "Death is the wages of sin" but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our lord." I.e. the same "Creator" that our [once] Godley nation was founded on! Now it's back to Godless LGBTQ promoting neo-Sodom Gamorra times, all over again like Deja Vu! (P.S. Because of our Christian upbringing, none in our family of 10 took the toxic/ dangerous experimental worthless scamdemic jab!)

(* see Dr. Null's book Death By Medicine! Claiming pharma "medicine has killed over 40 million in the last 50 years, or 2,191 each & every day! [The John Hopkins iatrogenic study claims only 12.5 million or only 684.9 each & every day! [all not counting the coved 19 murders!]

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Oct 4Liked by Dee Dee

Butchered by healthcare is another great read

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I didn't mention it, but "health care"/ iatrogenic "medicine" killed my Dad Wife & best friend, along with the other 40 million blind sheeple, lead to [50 billion in fraud fines]/ Big Pharma's [for profit] $laughter houses!

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So sorry to hear that. Thank God you are awake!

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Oct 4Liked by Dee Dee

Hear, hear! 👂 Let’s fight, fight, fight!!! ✊✊✊✊✊💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍✊✊✊

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Oct 4Liked by Dee Dee

Evil creators must be brought to justice

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Dee Dee

Fight and always remember who forced these shots down our throats. Justice is coming!!! Not soon enough. Damages done. Still fight on. The issues are now many the people sick from the shots seek medical help from the same people who got them to this medical state.

People have short memories unless your like me

One like you all, we remember and don’t just say

Move on. Before we move on there’s some justice to be won.

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James, these Fauci's Ouchies were not FORCED on all of us! I am calling it "THE GENOCIDAL KILLING OF THE WILLING!" 😡 It has been meant to weaken ALL of us, though, so that we will accept the NEXT EVIL PLAN they send down the pike! ☹ DON'T! 😲

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I’m visiting with my brother in NY and in talking with his 36 year old neighbor, who had a stroke after getting 2 poison jabs, now believes it was the clot shots that did it. It was good to hear someone now awake, but it took a heavy toll to get there.

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Oct 4Liked by Dee Dee

#Resist #DoNotComply #NeverForgive #NeverForget #NoAmnesty

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Good morning Dee, how art thou?

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Oct 5Liked by Dee Dee


VAXXED III | Authorized to Kill is now available online for public viewing at VAXXED III | AUTHORIZED TO KILL


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Against the lies that Covid 19 is constructed of to get Us to sacrifice Ourselves on the needle.

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Dee, we do not have to FIGHT. We just SHOULD share the TRUTH about Fauci's Ouchies every way we can! 😃 I really do not understand how you are still able to work in a hospital not masked and be quackcine free. 🙄 ??? Personally, I would not want to keep seeing done the damage that you mention here. HA! I would be fired during my first minutes there telling the patients the truth. 😲 This includes: STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 Natural Healing Site: EarthClinic.com. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Thankfully I found Dr. Yeadon early in the Scamdemic. His interview starts at 29:45. For me this this was riveting.


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They... they! They (government and the media, but I repeat myself) did nothing but lie for 9 months. One lie, one misdirection, one reversal, one double reversal, and so on and so far from March 2020 to Jan 2021.

And yet people rolled up their sleeves and sped down to their local jabbery...more than once. You just need one shot...hmm, two shot-- er, thre-- no, no four shots. Wait! Sorry. Five. Yeah, five... unless you wanna do a sixth, which we're now recommending. And yet they persisted....

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I and one of my five children saw through the SCAMDEMIC early on and did not fall for the mask or the jabs! But 4 did and it caused what you could say a bit of friction. Shall never trust them again or many so called friends. DOOR IS SHUT ON THEM! I often wonder how many of those that fell for it and even some of those maimed or had a family member murdered by the JABS still believe the COVID PANDEMIC NARRATIVE!?

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