The only remedy for this is to be dedicated to a cause larger than one's life.

As for me, I set up my thresholds decades ago:


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We have two rights: To do any Ethical thing We choose and be unassailed with the breaking of Ethics - defined by the three Laws of Ethics.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

As long as no One is doing these three things, there is no problem. Of course, the whole plannedemic was about as unEthical as things get, thereby, indeed, defecating on Our unalienable rights.

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I thought it was.

"We hold these truths to be.....

You know.....

The thing"

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@Mr. Evil; You're right! Self-evident that we are endowed by Our Creator {GOD] NOT all powerful, free stuff Democrats's trying to play God! I.e. to keep suckers voting Democrat for 200 years [as LBJ put it] The Pilgrims' Thomas Bradford learned that lesson in the 1620's (it brought death & disharmony!) so he wisely dumbed it, bringing harmony & abundance! Not to mention our first Thanksgiving celebration! Now big Gov. wants us to go back to our 1620,s where big Gov. is our god! How psychotic is that?

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Knowledge can be power and lead to salvation.😊The Plymouth Pilgrims were celebrating Succoth The Hebrew Biblical Feast of Tabernacles NOT a pagan substitute by an evil king! I Kings 12: 26 - 33. 😲

The BIBLE = The Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth! 🙏

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I don't get you! Are you saying the Pilgrims were Jews, not Christians? Do you have any knowledge on Democrat LBJ's famous quote of, "With my new [free stuff] law, we'll have Ni@&#'s voting Democrat for 200 years."?

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Steve, I have posted the truth many times on here and publicly on MeWe. Just what don't you GET? The TRUE Bible faith is Hebrew NOT Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman! Yahshua the Messiah came through the Jews

and kept their Hebrew faith. In no way was He ever Christian! WE ARE BEING SO LIED TO! The Plymouth Pilgrims, The Original Protestants, The Puritans, and Others were NOT Christians!😲

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I don't get you"Yahshua" people in my Jew-based book he's called JESUS not Yahushua! Born a Jew, died for our sins & gave us [with his blood, death & resurrection] Christianity!

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"You Yahshua people"? WOW! Steve, I am happy to read that there are MORE of US! The pagan name Jesus cannot be Hebrew at all! (There isn't a "J" in Hebrew.) It's a Greek name coming from the ancient Greek idol's name Zeus. You can hear this every time you say the name. In Spanish it's pronounced "Hey Zeus." This really SHOULD give you a CLUE! The devout Hebrews in Yahshua's time had NOTHING to do with Greek culture. Certainly the Messiah would not have been given a Greek name! NO, the Name Yahshua does NOT translate into the pagan name Jesus! And no, Steve, Yahshua the Messiah did NOT give us Christianity! The Christian Vatican in Rome did (from pagan roots) in The Third Century A.D. 😲

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I do not remember that LBJ quote. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!), sadly BOTH U.S. political parties are controlled by The Christian Vatican for years. You can choose to be a red elephant or blue donkey if you want to! I won't lend credence or my vote to such a corrupt system. 😡

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I believe God 🙏 said Though shall not kill in the commandments,l believe people who commit genocide because they can, for depopulation purposes must be punished.

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They will be eventually by Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING!

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Our rights get trampled on every day and most people don't even know it is happening.

Once you know your rights defending them becomes really good fun.

Annoying public servants is really satisfying.

See more here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-annoy-public-servants

Knowledge is the only way to freedom because freedom is just a state of mind.

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Tell me, how can you have creator-inspired unalienable rights, in a Godless woke Satan-inspired neo-Sodom Gomorrah world? Don't you know that Death is the wages of sin? Yah can't put honey on a defecation sandwich sandwich and make it taste good!

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Humanity needs payback …

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Big Pharma is not too big to fall, when it has the rug pulled out from under it, which is the total TRUTH. The TRUTH is our Creator who is ALL POWERFUL. What Big Pharma has done and is still doing is going against the TRUTH. DRUGS are POISON. People can't be poisoned and get well. Pain is a symptom. When one experiences pain, it has a cause. Eliminate the cause... don't take more poison to eliminate pain...get rid of the cause. I speak from experience. as one who suffered 30 years from something I was doing...and when I stopped eating certain foods...no more pain. The Medical Industry is not into promoting the study of nutrition...and knows nothing about the problems that eating the wrong foods create. I trusted doctors too, before I found out that they did not have answers..

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I'll be sharing this poop scoop! We've come of age during the great era of the PSYOP scamdemic. Well wishes from the battlefront.

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Yes! "The Evil They" have succeeded in trampling on our rights! We CAN choose NOT to take their killing Fauci's Ouchies and poison meds! We CAN choose NOT to vote in their FAKED elections, therefor NOT giving credence to their power over us! It is the government of the U.S. (under The Christian Vatican in Rome!) but it is NOT my ruler! It stopped being it when it urged babies to be shot with Fauci's Ouchies. 😲 I serve a higher (HIGHEST!) power: Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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God's Kingdom with Jesus Christ as King is the REAL solution to this and ALL of mankind's problems. His Kingdom is not that far away, soon he will remove Satan's control of the earth and pave way to a paradise earth and eternal life in perfect health! Read all about it at jw.org

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While we keep talk...talk...talking---They keep jab...jab...jabbing! We have to STAND UP!

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