The love shall continue, until morale improves! 💖💕

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“Oxygen is good for you.” Love it.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

So is CO2! ;o)

Getting rid of CO2 is as bad as getting rid of Oxygen. No Co2 ... No life.

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Yes, and maybe not as convincing for demasking

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Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

Well done and said.

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Taking a fangnoodle Covid test is such a pointless thing to do. A cheap ass test manufactured in China for a man made nonlethal disease made in China. Mass psychiatric test, most of America failed.

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Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

True. People need to stop with all the testing and treat their symptoms, which most likely resemble sinus issues or a cold. If fever and achy, treat like the flu.

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What is amazing here to me is the fact that medical “professionals” are dumb enough to believe a mask is a protective device that actually works. What happened to these people? They act like they have been kicked in the head by a mule. And a doctor that believes “masks” provide protection from viruses that measure in nano-meters should only be allowed to clean hospital toilets.

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😂Yes! “Kicked in the head by a mule….” I do wonder about all the people still wearing masks, it so ridiculous and sad.

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I’m old - so I got old sayings. Plus I came from a rural area and had 5 uncles who were farmers. My one uncle had a mule you didn’t want to turn your back on. He would kick you before you knew what happened.

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People who trained by memorizing and by kissing ass to senior doctors. By networking and writing grant applications from donor class institutions. not by asking questions, originality, or imagination.

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Good thing you did, giving her your consent and support.

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Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

Nice move, Dee! <g>

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“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." Marie Curie

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Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

Well... yes, if it was just covid then I'm okay with removing the mask. Covid was no big deal and I could use a vacation.

But if you got jabbed in the last 30 days, stay away from me. Last time I got near the recently jabbed it took 3 months for my menstrual cycle to go back to normal. Nothing is worth going through that again.

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A nice gesture!!😊

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What a wonderful gesture on your part, and it was great your coworker took her mask off. An act of love and humanity. We ask technicians that come to our home to do any work not wear a mask if they are comfortable so doing. All have been and seem relieved not to have to put on that face diaper.

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Sep 22Liked by Dee Dee

That story is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing! God Bless.. we must come together and do our part to diminish division!! ❤️

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Dee, GOOD FOR YOU! That is really making use of "WORD OF MOUTH." 😊 Who else


I will SURVIVE by STAYING WELL NATURALLY! 😀 EarthClinic.com I post publicly and freely on


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Love this one, Nurse Dee Dee.

I've now got several transcripts of public speeches from PPE experts calling the masks useless and dangerous. It's just crazy (...not to say anything new there...), but all the mask wearing guidance from the CDC was issued without consulting the credentialed experts on that very subject!

Here's my most recent transcript (I haven't shared this one with you yet), though the video is from 2021:

"Two mask and respirator experts speak out"

KristenMeghanTV, September 4, 2021


RUMBLE PAGE NOTES: "Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan. Have a nearly combined 40yr experience in the fields of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety, Public Health and Industrial Hygiene. This took place at the Oakland County Commissioners meeting."


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Oakland County is in the state of Michigan, USA. It includes most of Detroit's northern suburbs.


KRISTEN MEGHAN: My name is Kristen Meghan Kelly and I reside in Hudsonville, Michigan. Echoing what my colleague has stated,[1] I too am a subject matter expert that has managed the respiratory protection for over 76,000 people. Over the past 19 years, 9 of which was on active duty, I am an senior industrial hygienist cross-credentialed in public health, decontamination site management, and managed the decontamination efforts in the city of Chicago.

You now know that you are looking at the wrong professionals that you deem experts in regards to controlling health hazards and conducting the proper health risk assessment to determine which controls are capable of controlling such hazards and we always factor in individual health data and process-specific factors when selecting controls.

For example, how long would you be wearing the PPE [personal protection equipment]? What other PPE are you wearing? What atmospheric factors would be the PPE be worn in?

We do this so we do not create a greater hazard to the wearer because the use of masks or respirators is never a one size fits all approach. In fact I'm a subject matter expert on that litigation and I've never been dismissed by a judge as an expert.

What you need to understand is that we skipped the hierarchy of controls and we should have stopped at engineering controls. This is because history tells us we cannot outrun a virus.

The primary spread of this virus is the inhalation of aerosols. Masks cannot and do not stop aerosols. If they did, there would be no need for respiratory protection for aerosol [inaudible] processes. And I don't mean this as a threat, but if you think masks stop aerosols, please go abate some asbestos, walk into some pepper spray and tell me if you can inhale it.

Why should we be listening to the experts who close parks, demonizing going outside, and tell

teachers and offices to close their doors and windows? This puts us at a greater risk of exposure. When aerosols are involved they stay suspended in the air a very long time. We exhale aerosols by just breathing. Masking is absolutely useless, harmful, and abusive.

When I mention implementing controls as a senior industrial hygienist I always have to go back and verify the confidence in those controls. It's highly evident no one has ever gone back and verified the confidence in these controls because if we did we would have seen that the masks are not stopping the spread, they're creating a greater hazard.

They— 18 months ago I went on my FaceBook and said, oh, we're doing a mask mandate? You're going to see bacterial pneumonia, contact dermatitis, peri oral dermatitis that you call mask [inaudible], suicides, aggravating PTSD.

I don't need my notes anymore because I've been doing this for almost 20 years.

I am a veteran with PTSD and the amount of discriminatory efforts involved with these mask mandates caused suicidal ideation. I am in litigation with Delta Airlines and I can tell you right now that the next member of this state that violates my rights will also be sued.

I took an oath to the Constitution, it's my understanding that you did, too. Everyone that voted to put children in masks, you are child abusers. And I want everyone of you to know that I will for free, as I've been doing for 18 months, act as expert witness no judge has ever dismissed me.

Thank you very much. And please remember your oath, because we will remember when your reelection is up. And by the way, I'm not a Republican and this is not political for me.

Thank you very much.

MALE VOICE: Thank you.

[loud applause ended by gavel]



#   #   #


[1] Tammy Clark spoke previously on this same video.

For a transcript, see:

Tammy Clark, OSHA Credentialed PPE Expert, on Why Mandating Masks on Children is Criminal


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I just want to say thank you for what you are doing. ❣️

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Thanks for reading!

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Indeed, We would best heal the wounds inflicted on society by the mind virus injected by the media! So glad She took off the mask!

Love always, Dee!

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The friendly/polite approach works! Yesterday was opposite for me! I was in company and at table next to us a young lady. One of us asked her what she thought of the 'COVID SHENANIGANS'. Turned out she was studying medicine etc and she trusted what she was being told!? One of our group turned on the lady and in loud voice started telling her she was stupid and brain washed. All in cafe heard it and I came away thinking well that back fired! Young lady looked shocked and shall have strengthened her own thoughts!?

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I think people were traumatized in several ways. Losing a love one to hospital protocol. Not being allowed to see family. Income threatened over forced shot mandates. Friends believing the narrative distancing themselves etc...

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Yes I was kind of shocked at the way how some people acted and I had thought they had more sense between their ears!? Right or wrong I do not take them back in as I think many would do same again. If I meet some of them by chance I speak but would never visit any of them!

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It hurts me to see our good local people so overcome with fear these days. Whipped into it by the media- for ratings.

Fear is destabilizing and debilitating. It doesn't empower. It makes life small and mean and hopeless.

Try challenging it...do your own research, come to your own conclusions and get your life back.

Fear is a dangerous thing to dance with...


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