Hate MSM print and broadcast

All are traitors and should be swinging from a hangman's noose

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Jun 15Liked by Dee Dee

yes indeedy they should.

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I walked around Evergreen Health hospital shooting video on March 2, 2020. Business as usual. I went back several times after too and took more video. It screamed BULLSHIT.

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I wandered around UMC in Tucson. Totally empty. They set up tents for overflow outside and those were unmanned after like 3 days and finally just blew down.

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Same at Evergreen Health.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Dee Dee

The media were just following their paymasters instructions . . . WEF/Klaus/UN#Gates

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All going according to the script > a script that was written long before the mystery virus became the Mother of All Psyops > making 9-11 look like a spring training practice game

#OpStopPsyop🛑 in this the biggest larping wealth transfer in History

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

that is of course because all the media belong to the same little group of ultra rich who own all the companies that made the jabs, the large banks, everything big. It is all in the hands of a few non-government people. Even the government dances to their tunes, or should I say, especially the government? Just reading a booklet from the 70s that describes how we got here. From before WW1 It is called ' no one dare call it a conspiracy ' very informative.

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That was an interesting read. “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” by Gary Allen. “You got your Rockefeller Democrats and your Rockefeller Republicans.” One of the first guys to describe the Uniparty.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

I am almost through now. Indeed, he saw through the scam. And that 50 years ago ! I got the title from a substacker (it might be you) and immediately ordered it.

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It was another Substacker. I haven’t thought about that book for years. Thanks for mentioning it.

I think that the American experiment with a constitutionally authorized republican form of government was very short lived. Arguably, the republic was strangled in its baby crib. Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny and displacing the aboriginal peoples was all empire building. I think that many of the founders had imperial ambitions and aspirations. Right now, America is in the phase of imperialistic socialism, combined with technocracy and finance capitalism (as opposed to industrial capitalism), and heading toward some form of totalitarianism different from classical totalitarianism (e.g. Stalinism and Maoism) and different from inverted totalitarianism (as described by the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin and further explained by the journalist Chris Hedges). Sometimes I think that this global civilization will collapse in less than fifty years. Then I remember how long Imperial Rome lasted from Augustus to the last Byzantine emperor. All I know is that I predict that future generations are going to be miserable and their lives are going to be nasty and brutish and short. I don’t really have any hope for humanity. I’ve gotten extremely cynical since I first came across Gary Allen’s book in 1981.

(Sorry for the essay.)

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

interesting. But yes, I am glad I am as old as I am and I have no children who had to suffer through the scamdemic. My friend homeschools and I am glad for that, too. I am going to look up these people, got another book in the same style ready to be read and order a Menuhin (dad of the violinist) book distancing himself from Zionists. Might be interesting, too.

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Piers is an asshole!! He talks over Candace who is not having IT!! Piers 100% of doctors say vaxxines

Work ….really “are you a “conspiracy theorist”

Gaslighting demonic knucklehead. Journalists tv talking heads need to be found guilty for their shameful promotion of genocide.

Good for Candace who keeps her calm and fierce

Dignity!! Piers is carrying water for his globalist masters. Candace is not allowing him to bully her

With lies.

We are seeing a pivot … the news is dead …

That’s why the censorship is ramping up.. they

Have lost the narrative and they simply can’t just

Repeat the BS like in the days past.

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Piers “every scientist and doctor he knows all said vaxxines saved lives”

Piers you really are pathetic … you have a platform to go anywhere ask anyone

And you spew lies of the paid bribed

Killers who are all in the biggest crime

Of murder and thievery and you act so

Damn pompous and self righteous.,

And one more observation let Candace answer your questions!!!

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USURPERS, TRAITORS, and their STOOGES! Point them out loudly relentlessly.

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He is a rude, pompous A-hole…keeps trying to speak over Candace as she speaks the truth

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Jun 15Liked by Dee Dee

Candace jfk was shot from a bodyguard directly behind him

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HA! I thought the guard was in front of him! ??? There is also a theory that JFK staged his own death because of the threats against him. This is a theory held or once believed by Oliver Stone the director of the movie "JFK." There are so MANY theories! At this late stage HOW can we ever KNOW?

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JFK staged his own death, he lived well into his 90's before passing away in 2019. There is a picture of him with President Trump. JFK Jr as well. It will all be revealed when it's time. 🎥🍿

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Yeah? Maybe so. Adolf Hitler may have lived in luxury to about 90 on a mountain top in Ecuador pretending to be a Roman Catholic priest! WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO!

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Jun 15Liked by Dee Dee

Bottom line, Piers is still a sheep and doesn't believe clot shots cause adverse effects. Piers believes shots saved lives; but will not admit the withholding of decades of use therapeutics for off label use killed thousands of people who if were administered, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would still be alive.

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The media wasn’t brainwashed. They knew full well their role was to brainwash the rest of us.

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Jun 15Liked by Dee Dee

I watched a lot more of the video and question after question, Candace came back with facts and Piers had none.

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Plenty of (so-called) “social conservatives”, such as Piers Morgan, are diehard statists and authoritarians. The best conservatives — and I’d go as far as to say the only conservatives, being aware of the No True Scotsman logical fallacy — are libertarians and anarchists. The ruling class could simply die off and not be replaced. The world would be better for it. Who is attracted to ruling power? The easily corrupted.

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. - Missionaria Protectiva, Text QIV (decto)” — from the book “Chapterhouse: Dune” by Frank Herbert

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P.M. looks much more aged then I remember him when he was on U.S. television before he was FIRED. She is right ON! He still (STILL!) does not get it about COVIDS and Fauci's Ouchies. She made her points and he was blushing because she did! Seems that he is an apt representative of MSM. They and BIG HARMA and the U.S. Government are now partners in "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!" 😡 SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😁 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 🙏

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I’ve never seen Morgan hold his tongue…so I suspect something is up.

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