Humbly (and I copypasta'ed much of this because it hurts to type with bone spurs in My thumbs), You did not have "covid." It is well established that there is no such thing (but media lies hide that fact from Most). Over 200 freedom of information requests sent to places all around Our planet to places like the CDC, NIH, and equal ones in other countries like England, France, and so on, asking for what They have in isolate of said "virus." All have been returned saying They have nothing.
What You actually had, but the the "medical" People will call it "covid," is detoxing from something. The "flu" - which BTW vanished in 2020 and was replaced with "covid" - is a seasonal detox.
Amaterasu Solar has it basically right. You can't catch it as it is in essence toxic poisoning, normally seasonal, but sometimes due to other poisoning issues.
Natural immunity doesn't exist but you can maintain your body chemistry to above poisoning it in the first place if you do the right things.
I don't understand these highly educated people that love their vaccines. Its almost like they need to take them to justify their acknowledgements aka degrees. I think and could be wrong but the majority of highly educated people really have a narrow intelligence spectrum. This spectrum is the one that gets acknowledged by degrees. In my world the majority of self employed business owners- non college are not jabbed. Yet, the college educated degreed people are jabbed. It just proves to me the higher the level of education the more you are emdoctrinated.
Agreed. Many years and expense and time has been invested in their willing indoctrination. They are unlikely to break it at this juncture though a few may, so keep going. Tell them what you know anyway, if you can.
I wish wholeheartedly I had never gone to college. It took me years to undo what was done.
Exactly, my general experience too. I do have a degree and a professional qualification but I long ago realised that doesn't count much in the university of life.
Those who think they have 'arrived' by obtaining a degree or professional status lack wisdom.
More, "educated" - high degrees especially - do foolish things, because They are NOT smart. Just good at following protocols for "education." Smart People, whether janitors or PHD's, are far less foolish.
I literally wrote the same thing in my comment. There was a study that showed who took the jab based on their education. It basically confirmed what you just stated.
Indeed. College and graduate degrees are like subway tokens. You earn them to get in a certain way. But there are plenty of other ways. Many degreed persons are arrogant about their kind of intelligence and won't condescend to recognize it in others. So we have true stories about people who have great mathematical insights and abilities who never went to college.
Long ago my mom insisted that we refer to the woman who helped her clean house twice a week as "the cleaning lady." She wasn't "the hired girl" or any other demeaning term, but a lady. The man who came to pick up the garbage twice a week was "Mister Simpson" and a good guy. It was my chore to gather the garbage pails and empty them into the bins outside. So I got to talk to him at times. And I could see and hear he was intelligent. His way of talking about things was different but his wits were keen.
They tried to get Me through college... LOL! After a year and a half, I dropped out. I was bored out of My skull. Haha!
And yes... I have met so many "menial workers" that would blow nigh every PhD out of the water. The lack of indoctrination allows much freer mental movement.
Humbly, They did not have "covid." It is well established that there is no such thing (but media lies hide that fact from Most). Over 200 freedom of information requests sent to places all around Our planet to places like the CDC, NIH, and equal ones in other countries like England, France, and so on, asking for what They have in isolate of said "virus." All have been returned saying They have nothing.
What They actually had, but the the "medical" People will call "covid," is detoxing from the jabs.
I agree with you on this since this is some of the same information I discovered since the covid scam. It changed my whole thinking regarding the Terrain Theory and Germ Theory.
You have any thoughts on why people got sick? I live in a very rural area and my whole family got it. We had all the symptoms especially the no taste and smelling. We've never experienced this type of sickness. It wasn't normal at all. It took me a month to get over it. I couldn't shake the sinus, congestion, and cough until I nebulized hydrogen peroxide when it approached the 4th week. This knocked it out in 2 days. The wife and children were back to normal in about 2 weeks. 3 months later my neighbor gets sick. He has all the symptoms and started having the breathing issues. He was on oxygen tanks within 3 days at home. He didn't like hospital, doctors, or big pharma. By day 5, they took him to the small hospital ER because they couldn't get his oxygen levels up. His wife told me he wouldn't let them intubate him. He knew. His lung collapsed and they life flighted him to a larger hospital. They were able to repair the lung with surgery but he passed right before morning. I know he got to see everyone in his family that night. The hospitals out here were not acting like the ones in the big cities. At least in my area.
Well... Lessee. First, People did not "get sick" any more than normal in 2020. Before the jabs in mid December. The "flu" deaths dropped from many hundreds of thousands a year to fewer than 2,000 in 2020. The rest was filled in with "covid." They just rebranded the flu, a seasonal detox, to get fear rolling.
The "symptoms" of "covid" are the same for many "flus" - because They needed to have plausibility in the rebranding. I had a flu detox decades ago where I had no taste or smell. Though not all toxins will be detoxed the same way, many of them share similarities. The more One needs to detox, the longer the detox will take.
Given the spraying of Our skies, most any toxin might be ingested or inhaled.
Now, to "contagion." We are electromagnetic Beings. And there are "good times" to detox in the seasonal passing. When it is a good time, One will start the detox, sending out signals that it is a good time, and Others, who need the detox, will start detoxing as well. If there are "comorbidities," often the detox will just be too much.
If You read My article linked above, You will grasp more on the "contagion" issue, as well as some ideas on what We might do to solve for the Ones who planned the emic...
I saw there were not many cases of "flu" going around that year. Someone made a graph of this information. Everything was branded as covid even if you drowned in a pool. I threw out the whole virus as a cause after looking into it. I still believe in bacteria, fungus, mold, etc. since I can see these under a microscope. I now believe the Terrain theory. It just makes too much sense.
I've thought the same about detoxing. I just wonder why some years are worse than others. There has to be a reason for it. I've thought about the spraying and it's been heavy some years. They blue sky will become white within hours some days and I know we're breathing this in. I try to avoid all toxins as much as possible now. I'll even use gloves to use certain toxins since I don't want it getting on me. I've done detoxes to clean up the body and it wasn't too bad. It was nothing like what we experience in September of 2021 when we had covid.
It's interesting you mention electromagnetic beings and I agree. In fact, I believe we live in an electric universe. This makes me wonder why Trump signed an order to have 5g rolled out during the worst "so-called" panic in history. I know 5G was developed by the military as a directed energy weapon. I've worked around RF/EMF/ELF. Here is one of the classified bases where I worked in the early 90's It's now closed. When we arrived, a few of us became nauseated but it would eventually fade. We knew we were being radiated. There were faraday cages around other electronics. You could witness birds fall out of the sky if they flew to close to the antennas or arrays. During maintenance when they took it offline, they would go pick up all the dead birds. I do believe the 5g rollout ties into all of this some way. I'm still looking into it.
I will read the article you linked above. I appreciate your reply and have a nice weekend!
If it was doing that to the birds what was keeping the people from dying too? Was it messing with the oxygen molecules inside their blood? Or some neurological overloading effect?
Birds have a lot of partially hollow "bones" that are filled with air that make flight possible, so it could be the air quality and composition has more effect on them than mammals. Like the proverbial canary in the coal mine.
Hence why Pterodactyls became extinct because they couldn't really fly per se with their heavy bones, only glide. They had to live in highly specialized terrain where they could live on high mountains and glide down to capture prey and bring it back to the mountain top without ever landing or they became stuck on the ground and died.
Same here. The wife told me they all took it on her side. All of them are educated and mostly live in PA, NJ, MD, and VA. The rest in TX and FL. We returned from my father-in-law's funeral about 6 weeks ago. My mother-in-law now has clots in her lungs and she's going downhill fast. One of my nephews was diagnosed with colon cancer at 38 and they removed some of his colon. He's doing better but now his wife was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. My mom passed in 2021. She didn't feel well and went to the hospital and they sent her home. She didn't wake up the next morning. They said it was covid but I knew she had some heart issues. I'll never know because they were blaming everything on covid. I know she didn't take vaccines and she told me she wasn't taken it. She knew they were making her sick when she was taking the flu shots. I learned the same thing while in the military. I would get very sick and end up in the hospital. I stopped taking them in 1995. My mom's passing freaked my sister out and she took it along with my brother-in-law and nephew. She's always feeling ill now. I have a feeling I'm going to be attending a lot of funerals.
There was a study done but I can't find it now. Maybe someone else who saw it can remember where it is. It broke down who took it based on their education. It was very interesting. It showed those who graduated from high school were less likely to take it. I believe it was the lowest. Those with a bachelor's and master's degrees were the highest to take it. And those with PHD's were down with the high school graduates. If I see it, I will come back and post a link.
I think it may be part of the plan to rid the world of the "intelligentsia" just like they did in Nazi Germany and Russia and China. Precursors.
I'm not saying the more highly educated are higher value targets, but if you get rid of them there are a lot fewer books and philosophies published and highly paid employees, etc., etc.
What I am saying is the targeting of the more highly educated with propaganda and schemes of coercion was very pronounced.
Please do NOT believe that there aren't germs or virus' natural or lab created! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) they are very active on Planet Earth. Before 2009 I had flu many times almost dying in 1957 at the age of 9 from pneumonia after the flu. Also chicken pox, measles, and adult mumps. Gee. Having these would convince most that these are NOT caused by spraying of poisons or our bodies needing to cleanse! 😡 Since 2009 I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' even though exposed to COVID-19. I have been taking Swanson Vitamin's NAC (cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules since then. It's about $10.00 a bottle. And, it's a LIFE SAVER! Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep. SURVIVE NATURALLY! Holistic Healing:
It is tragic to watch those we know, and love, go down the same forsaken road over and over.
That being said, we're on a journey and time is a wasting, so pray for their welfare in your absence, extend an invitation to join, offer a pamphlet to describe the destination, provide a roadmap, and then ask if they're on board. If not, grab your gear and go. This trip is one-way and non-refundable.
For this people’s heart have grown dull, and their ears are heavy of hearing, and their eyes have closed, lest they should perceive with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn for me to heal them.
Mathew 13:13 - 15
We walk around with a cell phone that is literally a library of information.
After all this time people still wear mask. People
Believe what they want to believe, even if it makes no sense at all.
I am seeing people being manipulated by the Covid
Testing for surgery. And it makes me wonder for those who have gotten their shots if it has affected
Their mental acuity? Or people just are willingly ignorant. Or all the above.
I must have missed the part where God ever stopped ruling and reigning in this world.
If you are in the refuge of Jesus Christ, you are not a refugee. God loves us and wants us to be happy. Be blessed. Amen.
"Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men." Jeremiah 9:2
You must have missed that part. Jesus said it. That's probably good enough, right?
Taking refuge and being a refugee are two distinct states of being and not close to the same thing. Yes you can take refuge and be a refugee simultaneously they are so different. Look it up.
Thank you for your very courteous and thoughtful effort to elucidate your claims and ignore my actual words. I don't think you read what I wrote. You are clearly responding to words I didn't write and ideas I don't think.
Your use of imperative voice is unwelcome. I am not yours to command. I obey God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ His only son, my Lord and Saviour. I am guided by the Holy Spirit. So you should be aware that I have no plans to obey you.
You can choose to live like a refugee if you wish. If you ask God for a home and possessions and a family, God may provide abundant blessings. God's will be done. Amen.
What you do not say is that God is the ruler of heaven and earth and it is God's will whether a given person lives as a refugee or in some other way God chooses. You seem aggressive and grudging rather than humble and accepting. God bless you and shower you with abundance. Amen.
Boy howdy. Did you read a lot into what I wrote or what? I never commanded you to do anything. You are projecting your domineering self all over the place.
I am humble and accepting. I pointed out your errors in word usage but you can't handle that and need to disparage my character with nothing to base this on. Yes, I'm fed up. With self-righteous people posing as Christians.
John 12:31 Jesus makes it clear Satan rules this fallen world. I never said God is not in control of it all. Obviously God allows Satan to rule this fallen world. Just because you don't like what Jesus said does not negate it.
So, God wants us to be happy in this world? I suppose that means all the unhappy people are cursed or something? Do you know how many times I've heard such self-righteous hogwash? So very, very many.
Where does it say in the bible God wants us to be happy in this world? Or is this you making up things to suit yourself?
When you pronounce your false blessings for abundance it's God's name in vain. Your vanity. Check yourself, Mister.
All the above. God has given them over to the great delusion.
"For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…
It's very difficult knowing that some of the people we love are not going to be with us very long. It's especially hard when the persons are young. Let us pray: Eternal Father please heal those who you choose to be worthy of healing miracles. Please forgive those who put their faith in the state or in other people rather than you. Please help those who can be freed see and hear the truth. Please accept into your divine keeping the souls of the dearly departed and please help us prepare those who are going to join you soon. We offer you the most precious blood of thy divine Son Jesus in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the Holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, sinners in the universal church, those in our own homes and in our families. Amen.
Rumor is that only about 2% are getting the latest. That's still a large number of People. Maybe They subconsciously know They shouldn't have started the "protocol" but don't want to accept that and are going for broke. Very sad indeed.
Hi all, what's happening is how ignorant we all are, especially those who are highly educated, about the tragic history of these poisonous vaccines that have been inflicted on us since the 1800s. Watch MD Suzanne Humphries who gives a great talk on small pox vaccine history:
She's a featured speaker at today's 2nd annual children's health defense conference I wish I could be attending but can't.
Vitamin C Cures Disease but Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Know This - Dr. Suzanne Humphries | Vitamin C Basics -- 05/12/2021 -- Duration 01:02:03 -- Now at time = 6:50
Humbly (and I copypasta'ed much of this because it hurts to type with bone spurs in My thumbs), You did not have "covid." It is well established that there is no such thing (but media lies hide that fact from Most). Over 200 freedom of information requests sent to places all around Our planet to places like the CDC, NIH, and equal ones in other countries like England, France, and so on, asking for what They have in isolate of said "virus." All have been returned saying They have nothing.
What You actually had, but the the "medical" People will call it "covid," is detoxing from something. The "flu" - which BTW vanished in 2020 and was replaced with "covid" - is a seasonal detox.
You might be interested in My article on this:
A Post to Be Viral (article):
Amaterasu Solar has it basically right. You can't catch it as it is in essence toxic poisoning, normally seasonal, but sometimes due to other poisoning issues.
Natural immunity doesn't exist but you can maintain your body chemistry to above poisoning it in the first place if you do the right things.
"I think you meant 'avoid' poisoning Baldmichael."
"Ah yes, I did thank you Baldmichael."
I don't understand these highly educated people that love their vaccines. Its almost like they need to take them to justify their acknowledgements aka degrees. I think and could be wrong but the majority of highly educated people really have a narrow intelligence spectrum. This spectrum is the one that gets acknowledged by degrees. In my world the majority of self employed business owners- non college are not jabbed. Yet, the college educated degreed people are jabbed. It just proves to me the higher the level of education the more you are emdoctrinated.
Indoctrinated perhaps a better word
Oops 😬
You can click on the three dots at the right of your comment and correct it, if you want 🙂
That's why he didn't take it. LOL
Agreed. Many years and expense and time has been invested in their willing indoctrination. They are unlikely to break it at this juncture though a few may, so keep going. Tell them what you know anyway, if you can.
I wish wholeheartedly I had never gone to college. It took me years to undo what was done.
God Bless.
Exactly, my general experience too. I do have a degree and a professional qualification but I long ago realised that doesn't count much in the university of life.
Those who think they have 'arrived' by obtaining a degree or professional status lack wisdom.
Smart people do foolish things. It's something I saw all the time growing up around academics.
More, "educated" - high degrees especially - do foolish things, because They are NOT smart. Just good at following protocols for "education." Smart People, whether janitors or PHD's, are far less foolish.
I literally wrote the same thing in my comment. There was a study that showed who took the jab based on their education. It basically confirmed what you just stated.
🙏🏻 Glad anOther can see what I see. Thanks for Your comment!
Indeed. College and graduate degrees are like subway tokens. You earn them to get in a certain way. But there are plenty of other ways. Many degreed persons are arrogant about their kind of intelligence and won't condescend to recognize it in others. So we have true stories about people who have great mathematical insights and abilities who never went to college.
Long ago my mom insisted that we refer to the woman who helped her clean house twice a week as "the cleaning lady." She wasn't "the hired girl" or any other demeaning term, but a lady. The man who came to pick up the garbage twice a week was "Mister Simpson" and a good guy. It was my chore to gather the garbage pails and empty them into the bins outside. So I got to talk to him at times. And I could see and hear he was intelligent. His way of talking about things was different but his wits were keen.
God bless their dearly departed souls.
They tried to get Me through college... LOL! After a year and a half, I dropped out. I was bored out of My skull. Haha!
And yes... I have met so many "menial workers" that would blow nigh every PhD out of the water. The lack of indoctrination allows much freer mental movement.
LMAO... It sounds like we followed in the same footsteps.
And of course they have the time to truly observe broadly a wide range of people unlike many academics.
They do?! I have never seen it. jk lol
Man's knowledge is nothing in God's wisdom.
Humbly, They did not have "covid." It is well established that there is no such thing (but media lies hide that fact from Most). Over 200 freedom of information requests sent to places all around Our planet to places like the CDC, NIH, and equal ones in other countries like England, France, and so on, asking for what They have in isolate of said "virus." All have been returned saying They have nothing.
What They actually had, but the the "medical" People will call "covid," is detoxing from the jabs.
You might be interested in My article on this:
A Post to Be Viral (article):
I agree with you on this since this is some of the same information I discovered since the covid scam. It changed my whole thinking regarding the Terrain Theory and Germ Theory.
You have any thoughts on why people got sick? I live in a very rural area and my whole family got it. We had all the symptoms especially the no taste and smelling. We've never experienced this type of sickness. It wasn't normal at all. It took me a month to get over it. I couldn't shake the sinus, congestion, and cough until I nebulized hydrogen peroxide when it approached the 4th week. This knocked it out in 2 days. The wife and children were back to normal in about 2 weeks. 3 months later my neighbor gets sick. He has all the symptoms and started having the breathing issues. He was on oxygen tanks within 3 days at home. He didn't like hospital, doctors, or big pharma. By day 5, they took him to the small hospital ER because they couldn't get his oxygen levels up. His wife told me he wouldn't let them intubate him. He knew. His lung collapsed and they life flighted him to a larger hospital. They were able to repair the lung with surgery but he passed right before morning. I know he got to see everyone in his family that night. The hospitals out here were not acting like the ones in the big cities. At least in my area.
Well... Lessee. First, People did not "get sick" any more than normal in 2020. Before the jabs in mid December. The "flu" deaths dropped from many hundreds of thousands a year to fewer than 2,000 in 2020. The rest was filled in with "covid." They just rebranded the flu, a seasonal detox, to get fear rolling.
The "symptoms" of "covid" are the same for many "flus" - because They needed to have plausibility in the rebranding. I had a flu detox decades ago where I had no taste or smell. Though not all toxins will be detoxed the same way, many of them share similarities. The more One needs to detox, the longer the detox will take.
Given the spraying of Our skies, most any toxin might be ingested or inhaled.
Now, to "contagion." We are electromagnetic Beings. And there are "good times" to detox in the seasonal passing. When it is a good time, One will start the detox, sending out signals that it is a good time, and Others, who need the detox, will start detoxing as well. If there are "comorbidities," often the detox will just be too much.
If You read My article linked above, You will grasp more on the "contagion" issue, as well as some ideas on what We might do to solve for the Ones who planned the emic...
I saw there were not many cases of "flu" going around that year. Someone made a graph of this information. Everything was branded as covid even if you drowned in a pool. I threw out the whole virus as a cause after looking into it. I still believe in bacteria, fungus, mold, etc. since I can see these under a microscope. I now believe the Terrain theory. It just makes too much sense.
I've thought the same about detoxing. I just wonder why some years are worse than others. There has to be a reason for it. I've thought about the spraying and it's been heavy some years. They blue sky will become white within hours some days and I know we're breathing this in. I try to avoid all toxins as much as possible now. I'll even use gloves to use certain toxins since I don't want it getting on me. I've done detoxes to clean up the body and it wasn't too bad. It was nothing like what we experience in September of 2021 when we had covid.
It's interesting you mention electromagnetic beings and I agree. In fact, I believe we live in an electric universe. This makes me wonder why Trump signed an order to have 5g rolled out during the worst "so-called" panic in history. I know 5G was developed by the military as a directed energy weapon. I've worked around RF/EMF/ELF. Here is one of the classified bases where I worked in the early 90's It's now closed. When we arrived, a few of us became nauseated but it would eventually fade. We knew we were being radiated. There were faraday cages around other electronics. You could witness birds fall out of the sky if they flew to close to the antennas or arrays. During maintenance when they took it offline, they would go pick up all the dead birds. I do believe the 5g rollout ties into all of this some way. I'm still looking into it.
I will read the article you linked above. I appreciate your reply and have a nice weekend!
If it was doing that to the birds what was keeping the people from dying too? Was it messing with the oxygen molecules inside their blood? Or some neurological overloading effect?
That's a good question.
Birds have a lot of partially hollow "bones" that are filled with air that make flight possible, so it could be the air quality and composition has more effect on them than mammals. Like the proverbial canary in the coal mine.
Hence why Pterodactyls became extinct because they couldn't really fly per se with their heavy bones, only glide. They had to live in highly specialized terrain where they could live on high mountains and glide down to capture prey and bring it back to the mountain top without ever landing or they became stuck on the ground and died.
Fun-filled facts for the day. God Bless.
I look forward to Your thoughts! Humble thanks for the payment of attention! I am well paid!
Even the bacteria, fungii, mold, etc. are not the causes of illness. Dr. Sam Baily does and AWESOME job of explaining:
Why Pathogens Don't Exist:'t-Exist:d
Same here. The wife told me they all took it on her side. All of them are educated and mostly live in PA, NJ, MD, and VA. The rest in TX and FL. We returned from my father-in-law's funeral about 6 weeks ago. My mother-in-law now has clots in her lungs and she's going downhill fast. One of my nephews was diagnosed with colon cancer at 38 and they removed some of his colon. He's doing better but now his wife was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. My mom passed in 2021. She didn't feel well and went to the hospital and they sent her home. She didn't wake up the next morning. They said it was covid but I knew she had some heart issues. I'll never know because they were blaming everything on covid. I know she didn't take vaccines and she told me she wasn't taken it. She knew they were making her sick when she was taking the flu shots. I learned the same thing while in the military. I would get very sick and end up in the hospital. I stopped taking them in 1995. My mom's passing freaked my sister out and she took it along with my brother-in-law and nephew. She's always feeling ill now. I have a feeling I'm going to be attending a lot of funerals.
There was a study done but I can't find it now. Maybe someone else who saw it can remember where it is. It broke down who took it based on their education. It was very interesting. It showed those who graduated from high school were less likely to take it. I believe it was the lowest. Those with a bachelor's and master's degrees were the highest to take it. And those with PHD's were down with the high school graduates. If I see it, I will come back and post a link.
I think it may be part of the plan to rid the world of the "intelligentsia" just like they did in Nazi Germany and Russia and China. Precursors.
I'm not saying the more highly educated are higher value targets, but if you get rid of them there are a lot fewer books and philosophies published and highly paid employees, etc., etc.
What I am saying is the targeting of the more highly educated with propaganda and schemes of coercion was very pronounced.
Please do NOT believe that there aren't germs or virus' natural or lab created! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) they are very active on Planet Earth. Before 2009 I had flu many times almost dying in 1957 at the age of 9 from pneumonia after the flu. Also chicken pox, measles, and adult mumps. Gee. Having these would convince most that these are NOT caused by spraying of poisons or our bodies needing to cleanse! 😡 Since 2009 I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' even though exposed to COVID-19. I have been taking Swanson Vitamin's NAC (cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules since then. It's about $10.00 a bottle. And, it's a LIFE SAVER! Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep. SURVIVE NATURALLY! Holistic Healing:
I post oublicly and freely on MeWe.
I’m seeing the same thing.
It is tragic to watch those we know, and love, go down the same forsaken road over and over.
That being said, we're on a journey and time is a wasting, so pray for their welfare in your absence, extend an invitation to join, offer a pamphlet to describe the destination, provide a roadmap, and then ask if they're on board. If not, grab your gear and go. This trip is one-way and non-refundable.
“You shall indeed hear but never understand,
And you shall indeed see but never perceive.
For this people’s heart have grown dull, and their ears are heavy of hearing, and their eyes have closed, lest they should perceive with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn for me to heal them.
Mathew 13:13 - 15
We walk around with a cell phone that is literally a library of information.
After all this time people still wear mask. People
Believe what they want to believe, even if it makes no sense at all.
I am seeing people being manipulated by the Covid
Testing for surgery. And it makes me wonder for those who have gotten their shots if it has affected
Their mental acuity? Or people just are willingly ignorant. Or all the above.
It saddens me to see people wear slave mAsKs
Me TOO!! I instantly think the human race is has will not ever learn. Health clinics here are wearing them again.
Follow the science 🧬 ugggh
If you want to suffocate in your own
Goo then that’s tragic…it is sad!!
God chooses the living and the dead. God's will be done. Amen.
🎶We don't talk too much about it
Ain't no real big secret all the same
Somehow we can't get around it
Listen it don't really matter to me, baby
You believe what you want to believe
You see, you don't have to live like a refugee.
Tom Petty … I knew that sounded really familiar … I used a line from John Mellencamp… funny how verses of truth remain true through the ages.
The truth, the life, and the way. Amen.
Amen !!!
“Heaven and Earth will pass away, my words will not pass away.”
When you find a home in Jesus you become a refugee in this world. So, yes, you do indeed have to live like a refugee. In this world.
Tom Petty seems ambiguous on this. While Jesus is clear.
I must have missed the part where God ever stopped ruling and reigning in this world.
If you are in the refuge of Jesus Christ, you are not a refugee. God loves us and wants us to be happy. Be blessed. Amen.
"Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men." Jeremiah 9:2
God has many lodging places. Amen.
You must have missed that part. Jesus said it. That's probably good enough, right?
Taking refuge and being a refugee are two distinct states of being and not close to the same thing. Yes you can take refuge and be a refugee simultaneously they are so different. Look it up.
Thank you for your very courteous and thoughtful effort to elucidate your claims and ignore my actual words. I don't think you read what I wrote. You are clearly responding to words I didn't write and ideas I don't think.
Your use of imperative voice is unwelcome. I am not yours to command. I obey God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ His only son, my Lord and Saviour. I am guided by the Holy Spirit. So you should be aware that I have no plans to obey you.
You can choose to live like a refugee if you wish. If you ask God for a home and possessions and a family, God may provide abundant blessings. God's will be done. Amen.
What you do not say is that God is the ruler of heaven and earth and it is God's will whether a given person lives as a refugee or in some other way God chooses. You seem aggressive and grudging rather than humble and accepting. God bless you and shower you with abundance. Amen.
Boy howdy. Did you read a lot into what I wrote or what? I never commanded you to do anything. You are projecting your domineering self all over the place.
I am humble and accepting. I pointed out your errors in word usage but you can't handle that and need to disparage my character with nothing to base this on. Yes, I'm fed up. With self-righteous people posing as Christians.
John 12:31 Jesus makes it clear Satan rules this fallen world. I never said God is not in control of it all. Obviously God allows Satan to rule this fallen world. Just because you don't like what Jesus said does not negate it.
So, God wants us to be happy in this world? I suppose that means all the unhappy people are cursed or something? Do you know how many times I've heard such self-righteous hogwash? So very, very many.
Where does it say in the bible God wants us to be happy in this world? Or is this you making up things to suit yourself?
When you pronounce your false blessings for abundance it's God's name in vain. Your vanity. Check yourself, Mister.
All the above. God has given them over to the great delusion.
"For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…
Well,.....there is such a thing as apathy and going through life apathetically. They have one foot in the grave.
Two extremely intelligent, literate friends:
Cognizant of vax. dangers
willingly shot up to be allowed to visit first Grand-child
knowing the consequences full well...
after booster 3
Grandma seizes-she knows why but...
How many parents?
- my heart bleeds
RIP like a zip.
Brain dead
It's very difficult knowing that some of the people we love are not going to be with us very long. It's especially hard when the persons are young. Let us pray: Eternal Father please heal those who you choose to be worthy of healing miracles. Please forgive those who put their faith in the state or in other people rather than you. Please help those who can be freed see and hear the truth. Please accept into your divine keeping the souls of the dearly departed and please help us prepare those who are going to join you soon. We offer you the most precious blood of thy divine Son Jesus in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the Holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, sinners in the universal church, those in our own homes and in our families. Amen.
Amen and Psalms 37:1-40 Justice
Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. God bless you and save you. Amen.
Rumor is that only about 2% are getting the latest. That's still a large number of People. Maybe They subconsciously know They shouldn't have started the "protocol" but don't want to accept that and are going for broke. Very sad indeed.
I suppose if you know you won't get first prize let alone second or third prize then going for the booby prize is the only thing left.
"And the wooden spoon goes to........*."
* insert name/s here
Hi all, what's happening is how ignorant we all are, especially those who are highly educated, about the tragic history of these poisonous vaccines that have been inflicted on us since the 1800s. Watch MD Suzanne Humphries who gives a great talk on small pox vaccine history:
She's a featured speaker at today's 2nd annual children's health defense conference I wish I could be attending but can't.
They didn't want to hear our shit when they were sure they were right.
You think they want to hear our shit now that they are not ?
To add to KT-SunWillShineAgain's timely comment below regarding Dr. Suzanne Humphries:
A recap on the Do Vaccines Promote Health Lecture in 6 parts below- It is excellent:
Suzanne Humphries on Vaccines -- Duration: 11:26
Do Vaccines Promote Health?
Keynote Speaker: Suzanne Humphries, MD
October 18, 2014 Burlington Vermont
Sponsored by: Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 1 -- Duration 15:27
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 2 -- Duration 15:22
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 3 -- Duration 12:14
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 4 -- Duration: 12:29
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 5 -- Duration: 11:44
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 6 -- Duration: 15:15
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - all you need to know about Vitamin C - Vitamin C Basics Lecture from 2014
2019-09-10 Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C -- Duration: 2:53
Vitamin C Cures Disease but Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Know This - Dr. Suzanne Humphries | Vitamin C Basics -- 05/12/2021 -- Duration 01:02:03 -- Now at time = 6:50
Dr. Suzanne Humphries | Vitamin C Basics -- Duration: 1:02:03 - now at time = 6:50,-MD.-Internist-and-Nephrologist:a
How similar are the jab and voting?
Each is a freewill choice.
Each has a dark history.
Each limits human potential.
Each makes individuals accountable for the outcome.
Just saw an add for the "updated" covid19 shot by Pfizer - oh, F. O.
Some have stopped. Some still haven't gotten the memo and it is criminal and heartbreaking.