Long Covid is like safe and effective. If I am not dead then the shots don’t kill people. My brother the “scientist” bc he taught high school science

Is a huge sport fan, I ask what about all these athletes dying, ohh bc they are eating fast foods.

Family friends sick 🤢 but not the shots. It’s Covid

Which at this point I don’t think is a respiratory virus. How do you say you’ve been snake bit!

But they won’t get IT!!

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"they are eating fast foods"??????

I thought that's what all athletes ate. Helps them run quicker. :)

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Fast foods for faster feet …I have thought about that and just go people will go to enormous lengths to deny the truth. We ate fast food kids have been eating fast foods forever.. just now they are dropping dead.

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People are proven 🐑

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SHEEPLE? 😁 HA! Maybe they SHOULD be like goats

stubbornly against taking Fauci's Ouchies!

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Plain baaa-rmy! However It's the goats that try and eat all kinds of rubbish.


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Pulled from another stack.

Linda D Siegel

Writes Linda’s Substack

3 hrs ago

Lots of meritless speculation & paranoia here, which likely will continue ad infinitum thanks to the misinformation that’s spread like wildfire in the last 2 years. Very sad.

If anyone thinks young people, esp athletes, or airline pilots or other groups cited here have NOT always suffered Sudden Cardiac Death as meticulously expounded on by American Heart Assoc physician researchers and other respected scientists, they are poorly educated and uninformed about human anatomy, physiology and pathology. (On a side note, I can assure you, as the spouse of a career military-commercial airline pilot, that airline pilots have been dropping like flies for decades, long before the mRNA COVID vaccine came out.)

Some occupations and professions expose our cardiovascular systems to severe stress, not to mention hereditary and genetic factors that aren’t identified until after death. Most critical-care doctors and nurses have seen these things happen for years. They didn’t just start happening recently. It’s very concerning to me that a very public physician “authority” but an obvious complete lying idiot like Fauci could cause so many people to think their own government is conspiring to make them severely ill and even kill them. That’s a big leap.

I couldn’t have made this up a few years ago. I predict that more people will reject their doctors’ recommendations, take only herbal supplements instead of vetted medication and die of treatable cardiac disease or cancer. Life expectancy in the US started dropping in 2018 (again, BEFORE C19 vaccines) and continues to drop because of unhealthy lifestyles. Obesity and other systemic inflammatory conditions are at an all time high and are the top causes of morbidity and mortality.

Linda, RN, BSN, MN

Critical Care Clinical Specialist-Educator

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

IDK if that post was meant to be ironic or not, but IIRC, cardiac deaths amongst pro footballers went up 1200% through 2021/2022.

So much for "poorly educated and uninformed".

BTW, Linda is very, very, extremely pro vax and absolutely refuses to acknowledge any adverse reactions or harms caused by them.

Safe and effective Y'all..

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Take a look at the figures published by the insurance companies regarding deaths across the board comparing year after year.

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You have a link to look this infofrmation?

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No, others on Skype drop the link in chat.

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Ok, thank you! I was trying to find the source since I've seen this twice now. Do you remember if this was about the insurance companies panicking because of all the deaths? I was thinking about why all the auto insurance, homeowners, etc. have gone up. When I called, I was told it was due to rising costs. It makes sense why everyone's policy rates have gone through the rough for no reason. Looks like they're trying to cover those life insurance policies.

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the actuaries (sp) for the Insurance companies keep and publish all their findings on their websites. Maybe on duck duck go.

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Thanks! I've had great luck with searching Yandex.com. Google and Bing suck.

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Don't be a Linda.






Let's make Linda the new Karen. Sorry Linda's its not personal

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

As a 'Linda' who has a cousin named 'Karen' we disapprove your sentiment.

Sounds very 'woke', please just call it ignorance/ ignorant.. exactly what it is...

that whole 'Karen' thing is literally childish 'name calling'...

Don't be a 'Dick'... I mean 'Jerk' about it! 🤣

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

No doubt Linda, being a Critical Care Clinical Specialist and all, was brainwashed by the administration at her hospital to participate in and approve of the murder of innocent people because they were unvaxxed and therefore didn't deserve to live. After all the great one, Dr Fauci, had ordained the holy treatment of toxic drugs, blowing high levels of oxygen in their faces which forced people to feel like they were suffocating and become anxious and panicky and then moving them to the death ward to be euthanized. Heck, I bet she even received a bonus in the form of a grocery gift card worth $50 for all the extra work she did like one of the hospitals in my area did. Much cheaper than hiring a hitman which usually demand thousands. So yes, Linda you are part of the reason people are rejecting not just their doctors' recommendations, but the entire industrial medical complex as a whole. And as a nurse of 35 years, it's painful to say that. Your job was to protect patients from harm. You failed.

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I must say, that Linda has not looked over the stats. Yes, these things happened. VERY rarely. Now they're happening virtually every day. And if that One is a nurse... And She hasn't seen the issues...She's paid not to. And to pump out BS like that.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I wasn't allowed around my vaxxed relatives.

Being unvaxxed.

But now I have to get around the Shedders.

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The people that still believe the vaccine is "safe and effective" are the same people that still believe Covid came naturally from a bat. I'm afraid they are under a very strong delusion.

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In fact, Many are still very duped that there IS such a thing as a virus. And contagion! They do not grasp the intense BS storm Humanity has been in for a century and more.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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My oldest daughter, 63, took the jab, then they ruined one leg with surgery because of blood clots, then she died of a heart attack. With no history of heart issues.

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I'm truly sorry you lost your daughter.

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So sorry🙏🏼

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Oh dear. I grieve for you.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Wishing you well too.

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I have often reflected on the idiom "to bury the hatchet." Where is it that we are supposed to bury it? Some ideas come to mind. 🤪😎🎇

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I had the same thought. Now where is the mind supposed to be? Ah yes, in the head. Death jabbing doctors and nurses a good place to start.

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I am very much unconvinced about the mind as we experience it being entirely in the head. I'm not even convinced that memory is stored in the head. There are good reasons to suppose that nervous tissue acts like an antenna system. In which case the soul and mind and memory may be in a nearby set of dimensions.

None of which is to dispute the results that obtained in the past from thousands of years of tomahawks, hatchets, or stone axes being buried in various crania. Head trauma can end life, film at eleven.

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I think that the Vatican stores our memory. Memory is an anagram of 'my Rome'. :)

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The current Vatican has almost certainly lent those memories to the Vatican bank which has hypothecated its assets as collateral for its debts. Intellectually and morally, the current Vatican is bankrupt.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I've heard of 2 friends in the past month, both in their 50's who came down with cold/flu symptoms that progressed to bronchitis type cough. Both went to the ER for treatment and within 1 hour of arrival to the ER were whisked up to ICU, intubated and put on a ventilator, their family was told they had pneumonia, and both were dead within 4 hours. Both were healthy otherwise before this, there was no mention of COVID at the hospital. WTH? No antibiotics, no breathing treatments, just intubate, vent and straight to euthanize now. Turn those beds over quickly. Don't go near a freakin' hospital unless you've had a limb cut off and are filling trash cans with blood. Stock up on Quercetin and Black Seed Oil. My husband sounded like a chain smoker on Saturday (he's never smoked) so I gave him a dose of Quercetin and Black Seed Oil twice that day. By Sunday morning when he got up, his lungs were clear as a bell and his cough was gone. That's been my treatment plan the past 3 years.

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WOW, that is CRAZY! Pneumonia...

Yes at the first sign of increase mucous and/or sore throat, take supplements. Highly recommend exercise and lots of fluids too. Horrible

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Yeah, and since when was the first line of treatment for pneumonia to intubate and ventilate? Wouldn't you want to give them nebulizer treatments, steroids, inhalers and get them coughing to get that gunk out of their lungs? I don't get it. Especially when both of them died within 4 hours. That's got to be the sedation and paralyzing drugs. They are just drowning in their fluids.

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That sounds about right, never heard anything like this before Covid.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I had pneumonia only once in my life after taking a flu shot. I was just prescribed some medications and was over it in no time. I wouldn't want to ever be intubated after reading up on it and reading the comments from others. That's insane. I'm with you when it comes to hospitals. Don't go unless you have absolutely no choice. I nebulized food grade hydrogen peroxide to get over covid and it's the only thing that cleared it out.

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Is there a brand of Black Seed Oil you recommend? I've never taken it but I keep reading about it.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I get mine from Amazon. Here's a link if it will let me post it. Also, you have to be careful taking it if you take any opiates. The FLCCC uses in their Early treatment protocol for Covid but recommend the dose as 1000 mg a day. This is a 2000 mg capsule, but I've only ever had to take 1 and it will knock out whatever might be brewing. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JNFZH3X?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Thank you! I don't take opiates but I do take Kratom for pain. I'll have to look into it further.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

They need to get those medical records ASAP.

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My immediate family members are not sick, but the elderly relatives are.

My uncle told his daughter that he never felt well after taking the last two vaccines, which were for whooping cough (WHAT?) and the flu. He ended up in the hospital after she found him naked and laying among blood clots unconscious in his reclining chair. He had several blood transfusions and came out of the hospital, but now he’s back in for something else. He took all the Covid shots, the boosters, plus the whooping cough and flu shot. And he was urging me to take the shots. He’s 88.

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This is really awful and tragic how they keep taking them. I'm sorry.

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Thank you. I’ve got some tough ones in my family and he’s one of them. He’s still willful and cantankerous! They have not managed to kill him.

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When did they start pushing whooping cough shots on the elderly? 🙄

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first time I heard the whooping cough too, been pushing the shingles, RSV Pneumovax, flu and Covid this year for the elderly...(RSV is new and experimental!)

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

In the UK papers yesterday,they are now pushing a Chicken Pox vaccine for kids. I am horrified. ☹

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I hope more parents are starting to question these death and disease shots!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

They have pushed that in the US for almost 30 years. I was excited because my children all got chicken pox so were exempt. BTW they can easily check titers if you have had it. So do not let anyone try and tell you that it cannot be proven that you had it.

I thought UK did not give it?Is that new?

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Yes I think it is a new thing. 😡

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

It is because now all approved "shots" are now covered under Part D(drug insurance) so what used to have a hefty cost eg shingles is now no out of pocket. I thought that was to start 2024 but I might be wrong. Previously Only a few vaccines were no out of pocket.

They push the whooping cough vaccine on pregnant women to protect the babies after birth based on some pretty weak sauce study. Wasn't even approved in pregnant women until last year and if you read the package insert you are not supposed to get it sooner than 8 years. Checked with my daughter and they gave it to her at less than 2 years apart.Here is a link to the insert.

Look at "dosage and Administration"


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

Vaccines haven't ever been about improving health. They are about increasing Big Pharma profits. When I started as a nurse in 1978, I embraced the health benefits of vaccinations, especially for children and made sure my three had their scheduled immunizations. Of course, there were only 7 vaccines at that time and they never received more than 1 at a time. Now children receive 27 shots by the age of 2 and up to 6 shots at a time. My daughter teaches at a public preschool, in the best school system in the state in the richest county in the state. To qualify for admission the state requires the student be financially disadvantaged or have a special need. The director has been there 22 years and when the program started they had less than 20 students, all disadvantaged. Now they have over a hundred, 90% are special needs and almost all are autistic. But don't blame the vaccines.

In 1987 while I was working as a nurse one day, the Hepatitis B vaccine had come out and they had encouraged all of the nurses to take it since we were at risk of being stuck by a needle from an infected patient. I went to employee health on my lunch break to take the 1st in a series of 3 shots. It was a Friday, and my oldest daughter was in the 1st grade. Her school was about a block from the hospital but several miles from home. I told her I would pick her up that day instead of having to ride the bus home. She was so excited. After I got the shot I went back to the unit and was standing at the desk talking to my co-workers and one of the anesthesiologists, and the next thing I remember was waking up in ICU. As my co-workers later told me, I was talking, I sort of zoned out, my eyes rolled back in my head and I hit the floor. I went into full respiratory arrest. Thank God that anesthesiologist was there because he was able to bag me and intubate me immediately so I didn't go into cardiac arrest. But I had gone into anaphylactic shock and they got me to ICU and I recovered quickly because I was young and healthy otherwise. The trauma to my husband and children lasted a lot longer however. Remember, this was before cellphones, so when I didn't show up to pick up my daughter from school, or twins from daycare they were trying to get ahold of me and couldn't find me. My husband had a pager, but trying to find a pay phone that worked in those days was a challenge, so it took a while to call back and by the time he figured out what was going on, they were all traumatized. I just kept thinking what if I had taken that shot on my way out the door after my shift and then gone and picked up my daughter? We both would probably be dead. I stayed in the hospital about 3 days, and when the doctor discharged me he said, 'You probably don't need those other 2 doses of the vaccine". Duh, really? I haven't taken any vaccines since that day. Not a single one. And I won't. Ever again. He did say I probably had a reaction to one of the preservatives in the vaccine. But even after all of that I was never an anti-vaxxer. Until Covid. Now I don't think anyone should take any of them. Not adults, not children. Would you inject aluminum, mercury or other unknown substances into your or your children's bodies knowingly? Why chance it?

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Dee Dee

I remember being all pleased that we were getting the Hep B shots! We would be safe and only had to worry about all the other blood borne pathogens! YAY! Now I wonder if it was just being studied since they would do titers.Those unlucky ones who did not have a good enough response would have to take a 4th and 5th. I did not question it at all.You are the first one I heard who had a reaction and WOW that was horrific! Was it even reported?Now days you would be gaslighted and told that it was not the vaccine and be given some ridiculous reason or "these things just happen but we do not know why."

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Dee- I made up my own Covid ditty to commemorate the one kids would say during 1918 Spanish(from American soldiers on trains on their way to Spain) Flu epidemic: [I knew a bird whose name was Enza, I opened the window And in flew Enza]

Here's mine:

(To the tune- High Ho A' MerryO)

The masks don't work

The shots will kill

Lockdowns are boring

Take the Red pill

I would sing this in the stores,

Riding along on my bike

Trying to break people out of their trance

And let off a little steam

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🇺🇸🙏🚂☝️

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Thank-you, amazing, sums it up!

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Let me understand what you are saying. So elite athletes and pilots have been dropping dead for decades, is this correct? I am not sure where your information is from, but I assure you it is wrong. I don't know where to start. You think our own government would not do such a thing, and that the medical profession is honest and reputable? Do you think we have the best healthcare system in the world? Where do you get your information from? I ask because you seem to be ill informed about the reality of the situation. There are two military flights surgeons who are whistleblowers, and they have seen young pilot trainees with myocarditis and other maladies' that have not been seen before in people this young. They are now grounded for ever because of this. They all have one thing in common and it is vaccination with this poison. Now for the athletes that have fallen flat on their face on camara dead. Never before have so many in such a short time died on the field, ever! If you believe that there was a deadly virus killing millions around the world, and there was no treatment allowed but Remdesivir, after they were sent home until they were so ill that they needed to be put on respirators, died. and called covid death is sound medicine, then you apparently do not know how medicine works. Doctors all over the world were using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with results that were stunning. 90% lives saved, then they lost their license for doing exactly what they have always done. Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Peter McKullah, as well as dozens of others lost their license for being Doctors and doing what they have always been allowed to do. Calling a wonder drug horse paste. The FDA did these adds on national TV, and you say our government would not do something this despicable! Where have you been these three years? Are you aware that no such thing as a virus exists? Not a shred of scientific evidence exists for proof of an animal called a virus. They may be found in the intestinal tract of Unicorns or Dragons, but then these do not exist either. Take a deep dive into reality by watching Dr. Sam Bailey, and her husband Dr. Mark Bailey on her website. They show clearly the fraud of virology. The scientific method and Kock postulates were ignored completely, and yet this fraud has been perpetrated for 75 years. Germ theory is still just a theory, like theoretical physics. I would suggest some reading for your education in reality. Rockefeller medicine, Murder by injection, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook. Mortal God drops his mask. Are you aware of the World Economic Forum? The World Health Organization? Go to the WHO website and listen to what they say out in the open about their plans for humanity! Look at Dr. David Martins speech before the European Parliament, look at his red pill expo video from November 19th 2021 and then defend this position you have taken erroneously. It is comforting to reside in the matrix, but the leviathan state has an interest in keeping us in this false reality. A closed mind is a terrible thing!

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I'm confused, who us this comment directed?


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Think it is directed at the repost you have by someone named Linda?

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Thank you, Jack! Nice summation there. I have been researching all that since 2021 and it is mind-blowing the deceit that has going on for well over a hundred years. Here a link I like to share - very illuminating: https://truthcomestolight.com/drs-sam-and-mark-bailey-on-the-existence-of-viruses/ - the Truth is out there...

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I appreciate your thought.

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Yeah. I always regretted not hardly having any family ~ until COVID-19 came around. As it is, the neighbor couple I really like has taken all of Fauci's Ouchies it seems, flu shots, and he took the shingles shot and became very ill. They took NOTHING to heart of what I told them Last words I said to them were, "After what I have learned I am not going to take any vaccination." The retired head of nursing caddy corner to me has had them, too. She won't discuss natural healing and drinks water from her tap. Being a lawyer and a head nurse does NOT mean that you are WISE!

SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 😁

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Love you Dee💘

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