Paragraph taken from an essay I wrote and WHITE ROSE DISTRIBUTED-----14/11/2021----COVID RED FLAG ALERTS!----Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?

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"RFK Jr. Says Bill Gates and Fauci Will Both Be Arrested Under Trump

That's the starter and the main course, but who are we having for dessert?"


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Don't hold Your breath for that hopium.

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So his cousin, fellow illuminati Prince, former Anthony Fauci boss, and Bill Gates business partner Francis Collins will NOT be going to jail then?

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Like good democrats; it’s not their $$$, so spend away 🤬

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That's just one wing of the dirty bird that controls both...

Escape the Cave! (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/Escape-the-Cave:6

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Please DON'T blame the innocent birds! 😊

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And any "cases" of Covid were the rebranded flu, or illness from 5G, or other toxic thing. There are no such things as viruses of contagion...

Here's an interesting article I read today - I highly recommend reading it:

The Hidden Agenda of Wastewater Surveillance 💩 https://mestuff.substack.com/p/the-hidden-agenda-of-wastewater-surveillance

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In less than a day they would have all my debts paid off. Why are tax payers footing a bill for an empty makeshift hospital? Or is it a makeshift prison? Once the infrastructure is in place the corrupt government will look for excuses to use it, to retroactively justify it's boondoggle.

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Yes this is true. They even have language for this. In Hawaii the Department of Land and Natural Resources says "we have to encumber this money (funding)".

They have to encumber it to ensure that it stays available, which to me just makes them whores. I'm sure it's is there same elsewhere.

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Isn't there some kind of committee to provide oversight on the spending of taxpayer money? In order to balance the budget there has to be a some kind of check on situations like this. Hospitals like this should be closed immediately.

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PERHAPS THE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAYROLL AND THE INSTALLERS OF THIS FRAUD. hey, I hear horses coming in at breakneck speed..... is that TRUMP on the lead horse? let's give him a minute to get here.

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There''s about to be.

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The American people must actively back up RFK and President Trump. .be vocal and state your views. You have the right to do so. Write your representative and state your opinions. Take part and keep check on what's going on in the government. No more complacency.

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Oh, ha ha ha that's a good one. In Hawaii they have what is called the "cost of government commission", it is a real hoot. I'm watching this meeting from five days ago so if you want to join my party the laughs never end and you might learn something. I'm sending you this because it's the closest thing that I know of to what you are asking.

Although the video above refers to operations conducted by FEMA and an unholy entity known as the HCA. HCA is created by state legislation called the special act to create the hospital authority and they are given all sorts of powers which makes them effectively above the law as far as I can tell, and FEMA ought to be considered a criminal organization. The video provided is a commission at the county level so if something similar exists in Colorado then maybe they would have some influence over the local decision to let the convention center but they wouldn't have influence over the HCA nor the FEMA and most likely they would behave similar to the commission in Hawaii which is bound in their operations by the same lawyers that control the county. There existence serves to shield these lawyers from public scrutiny and as much as they try these board members can not go against protocol (opinion) dictated by lawyers.

Hopefully you watch some of this as entertainment if nothing else but at least to give reference to what a current day commission of that sort actually does.


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Watched it for about 15 minutes...it was a going no where, getting nothing done commission. FEMA sure showed their lack of concern for the people during the hurricanes. Preventing many from receiving aid in Tennessee. Politically motivated in Florida...not to help Trump supporters. Its another agency, which should be disbanded.

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“Watched it for about 15 minutes...it was a going no where, getting nothing done commission.”

Right that was pretty much my point. I did the same thing and shut it off then I watched for another thirty minutes or so to be sure. Each of those commissioners gets paid so just imagine how much money was spent just to have that virtual meeting. The COG Commission itself I'm trying to understand. I came across them in my research for the Lahaina fire and I DO NOT TRUST THEM. I want to bring more attention to them because I'm not sure what is going on and it seems suspicious. The acronym COG is widely understood to stand for “continuity of government” and it is my belief that this commission has been used for hidden purposes and admittedly they have changed and seek to further change the county charter but I've seen zero evidence that they know how to produce or commission a budget!!!

All of the commissions in Hawaii government should be disbanded. There is a helicopter flying over my head right now inside of the mosquito release program area. They say it's not an experiment.

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Colorado has democrat issues ..

ya got gangs taking over apartment buildings,

Codes to voting machines made public

One sentence was the citizens were divided on this issue, where are the adults?

Trump RFK “We caught them all”

I hope pray believe is being gathered by the all eyes that see.

Dear Patriots. 🇺🇸🇺🇸…

That was $60,000 dollars a day? Take that money help the people harmed by the poisons they injected.

Help burial cost

Help medical care

An empty shell costing 60K a month?

So where did all that Covid money go?

We need clean house

New Sheriff in town!!

Corruption will panic

Grifting blackmail bound

Comes RFK with Trumps blessings

There’s a New kid in town

This is just another wrong to right.

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Question of the century: Where did the Covid money go?

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I have not heard much lately? Figure just another HUGE GRIFT

So looking forward to Elon and Vivek to go Clint Eastwood on the den of thieves

Imagine all that 💰💰💰💰💰😳

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I really hope they do something. We need justice.

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My sister lives in Colorado Springs

Hates Trump

We rarely speak

Tempted to send this

But I walk on egg shells

She was praising the mask 😷


And btw I know a venzeluan Alby he is a Tasmanian Devil

Imagining these gangs are just like him. Ruthless

Unpredictable and part crazy.

I dare not say 1 word to Sister

Figure if you don’t get IT then God can’t help.

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Isn't it possible that such places, just like Walmarts, are still waiting for new "clients"?


And there are also more diabolic alternatives:


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Colorado must be a wasteland of ignorance

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Whatchu talkin' about, Willis?!

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Oh, I’m sure they will have a use for them for all the “clients” out of the FEMA camps needing hospitalization for “medical care” because of monkey pox or bird flu. The condition of the beds won’t matter, neither will the “clients”.

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It says that FEMA pays a large portion of this cost

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and where did that money come from?

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FEMA retains debt which is considered a necessary….uh…. “Asset” for running a large operation in this day and age…. Somehow. That being said… the whole concept of where the money comes from seems illusory and magical to me. The internet does say that the majority of FEMA money comes from the NFIP but things change all the time so who really knows and since they are claimed to be insolvent yet apparently can send 350 semi truck trailers worth of weapons and equipment (allegedly) to lower northern Michigan then what is money to theses people anyway?

It kinda looks to me like the NFIP is an insurance ponzi scheme and to be simple and brief I will say that lots of money in this world comes from some kind of insurance ponzi scheme.

“The NFIP (National Food Insurance Program) provides flood insurance to property owners, renters and businesses, and having this coverage helps them recover faster when floodwaters recede. The NFIP works with communities required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that help mitigate flooding effects.”

“Flood insurance is available to anyone living in one of the almost 23,000 participating NFIP communities. Homes and businesses in high-risk flood areas with mortgages from government-backed lenders are required to have flood insurance.”

So the people who pay this flood insurance are pumping cash into FEMA but there are other programs and like I said earlier FEMA on Maui is managing a real estate racket where they acquire properties and really jack up rental costs to influence and strong arm the local real estate market. Maybe some of their income comes from ripping people off for a place to live after a disaster. I think this is a trick they learned from HUD or it is an HUD initiative being conducted by FEMA.

There has become an overlap between housing and disaster response between these two criminal organizations which is multi-purpose but which at the very least aids in evidence destruction and removal and helps to push future land use into the directions indicated by the “future land use maps” which are generated in accordance with the “plan”.

Said plan comes to us through Clinton's council on sustainable development which is the aftermath of Rio Summit on Biodiversity 1992 (Agenda 21).

With regard to the hospital beds set up at the convention center, I think this has more to do with social engineering at opposed to emergency response, or we could say “social engineering AS emergency response”. They don't want people to gather and communicate with one another face to face so occupying the convention center for an entire year with those beds and shoving their charity right into people's faces and rubbing their noses in it, right at the people's convention center…..

Well that has psychological and social engineering effects not to mention the opportunity cost of all the gatherings which were disallowed from occurring because FEMA and HCA were busy using that space to virtue signal the hell out of local residents.

That one doctor featured named Stahel, they managed to get a good shot of him giving the 666 hand signal during the interview. He said that they gave one unit of convalescent plasma to COVID patients and they were “healed” and sent home. I wonder if it was his use of the 666 hand signal that permitted for him to use the word “healed” on television. Maybe he could have just said healed and put up air quotes at the same time.

There is another doctor, a real doctor in my opinion, named David S. Bell who had a practice in Lyndonville, NY and one of the only doctors to take CFS seriously. He wrote a book wherein he explained some of his experiences. One patient he had who was suffering from what is called “CFIDS” (are you following all of this?) ….

She was severely disabled. She also ended up in a car wreck and lost blood and therefore received an infusion if blood (transfusion?) at these hospital. Well after she got pumped up with someone else's blood then she felt fine, she was healed……

For about ninety days then back to being totally fucked.

Dr. Bell reported this case but did not have a solid explanation for why she felt better and only had theories and since he was bound to a satanic system of pain and suffering just like Dr. Stahel, he was barred from prescribing further blood infusions to his patient even though it seemed obviously beneficial, if only temporarily so.

Those suffering from ME/AIDS/CFS/CFIDS/GWI/GWS/LONG COVID have an pathologically inadequate cardiac output and reduced blood volume, this has been documented. So when a person who has pathologically low blood volume is given an infusion of blood and they feel better because of it for 90 days then it's still a big mystery to the medical establishment what is going on.

Unless you are Dr. Stahel in which case you just KNOW that it has something to do with antibodies and you call them healed and send them home. Everything is 666 AOK with those patients, honest.

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Never forget...NEVER AGAIN!!!

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Dee, WHO KNOWS? Sadly, maybe a REAL bio-weapon will happen inside the jabbed victims and there WON'T be enough beds (OR COFFINS!) for them all. 😥 BIG HARMA a.k.a. NOTHEALTHCARE, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME are nefarious! 😲 We do not KNOW all their evil plans. 😠 But THEY DO! 😡 Anyway, my sister-in-law DID die with COVID-19 in a hospital outside of Denver in 2021. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 EarthClinic.com

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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There is an epidemic of local officials handing over control of infrastructure to federal entities because of grants or kickbacks or some other simple financial arrangement.

"On Tuesday, officials said the Convention Center will be turned back over to the City and County of Denver on March 25."

"The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management announced Tuesday evening that the Colorado Convention Center in downtown Denver will be decommissioned as an alternative care site for COVID-19 patients."


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if they only could have used those beds for the homeless vets instead

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I think they are afraid of the vets because deep down they know themselves to be false. People don't want to deal with the homeless vets for the reflection they bring, it's easier to turn away and continue to pretend. Even the COVID patients they may have intended to receive would be overflow from hospital and “newly acquired” infections. If someone showed up off the street and said that they had been sick from COVID for one year then that person would also get turned away, basically just for the same reason, fear.

We've been doing this dance of confusion for five years. For five years the underlying issue of acknowledging and accommodating the reality of sick and disabled people in the US has not even been broached. And in the mean time we have created an order of magnitude more sick and disabled in this country.

When someone says “viruses aren't real”, even though they do not understand this, what they are really saying is that “sick people aren't real”.

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