#HandsOffOurChildren - #NoMoreInjections - WANTED: Bill Gates and Fauci for Bio-crimes, Fraud, Extortion, Crimes Against Humanity, Coercion and Murder! All vaccines are poisonous. I do not consent to this satanic agenda.

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I’m trying to get him to realize he has been set up to be the CV warp speed vaccine patsy. And he needs to rat them all out and take them all to hell with him. It would make it a lot easier for us but if not all of the rest will follow him.

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Also there’s plenty of vaccinated athletes to fill their positions. The quality might go down but nobody will notice.

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Look at pictures and never forget this is a Bioweapon because they know and won’t take it off the market https://substack.com/@laurakasner

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They do not care, we care! They want us all dead or sick. They work for there master.

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Jun 19Liked by Dee Dee

Fauci will probably join the long list of mass murderers who died peacefully in their old age. THIS is the world we live in. And think of all the wise and noble people who made it their lives’ work and their passionate desire to make the world a better place. All miserable failures. 1 John 2:17 says, "The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever". I don’t know what the will of God is for me, but I’m pretty sure it’s NOT to be conformed to this world.

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Let's hope he does not have the pleasure of dying in his sleep. He would be getting off too easy that way. He needs to feel the pain of 2 billion families that lost someone around the world, for his role in the slaughter.

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I agree with you. I also agree with the wry and sarcastic and pessimistic and cynical saying “Expect the worst. That way you’ll never be disappointed.” That saying might also be a bit droll.

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I like "Hope for the BEST. . .and forget the REST!" 😁

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God will deal with him and all un-repent sinners, who don't know & love Jesus Christ! It is written! Sad thing is, many nice/ good/ Godless people will be doing time/ eternity with him and the likes of Hitler etc.!

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Those rejecting salvation through the Father and Son will "burn up" in The Lake of Fire" NOT forever according to the sins they committed in this life. This is because Yahshua the Messiah's death (for us!) does not pay for their sins. Also, Christianity as a religion only dates from The Third Century A.D. It was started by The Christian Vatican in Rome from pagan roots. It's not Biblical AT ALL! The true Bible faith is Hebraic NOT Babylonian, Greek, or Roman. YES! WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO! 😡


HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 🙏

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.... yep rubber masks or plastic surgery - but he'll always scurry about as though he is being chased although no one is there... won't be able to trust his own body guards at some point I suppose....

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Good man 👍

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Premier Heart’s multifunction cardiograph the MCG can forewarn the athletes susceptible to SCD. Background: NIT Non Invasive testing:


Conclusion: In current practice, about two-thirds of patients undergo NIT prior to elective cardiac catheterization, yet most patients have nonobstructive CAD. The weak correlation between most NIT results and the likelihood of obstructive CAD provides further impetus for improving preangiography assessment of likelihood of disease.


2. In the COURAGE trial 13-15 % of SCD incidents were missed in both arms of the trial.

MCG, itself an NIT, can cull the non obstructive coronary disease patients from further unfruitful testing enabling the clinician to confidently refer obstructive disease patients to test positive and receive the help they need.

2. MCG can detect microvascular disease and simplify 3 month follow up testing to measure response to recommended life style and medical treatment . In the present case an unfortunate series of circumstances makes clear the point.


Over a century old the 12 lead EKG is a world standard whose clinical reach stops at the surface patterns of cardiac electrical activity. What was cutting edge is no longer diagnostically competitive with the MCG which has opened the vast field of computational electrocardiography to explore the new frontier of the cardiac frequency spectrum.

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As if that had something to do with toxic death jabs or vax induces myocarditis or perycardices! You must get your “education” from our 30 billion in fruad fines pharma cartel, to be pimping for toxic experimental death jabs.

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.... makes me all squishy-warm-and-fuzzy-wuzzy. Sell the sizzle not the steak Sonny the carnival leaves town before morning if you think you can make it 'till then - after that you're on your own.... and don't forget to upsale - defibulators - pacemakers - penis pumps - there's a good margin on all that shit - skim a little for yourself and the one at Med School you're getting on-board.... looks pretty hideious in the sober-light-of-day doesn't it?

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I thought NIT failure was the failure of the nits to check what was in the vaccines before they had them.

As to the COURAGE trial I thought both arms were for a jab in each arm as per Ashish Jha.


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Maybe you don't realize that the package inserts on the vaxxes were intentionally left blank. Even the doctors could get the info on what was in them. So whose to blame....THE CREATORS OF THE VAXES.

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Thanks Patti. I never had the COVID vaxxes as by the time they came out I had worked out that all vaxxes were pointless at best.

It is true the creator of vaxxes are to blame but nowadays most people can check up online what is in them and find out about how corrupt big pharma are and have been.

People have been trying to warn us for over 100 years, and I only worked it out at 60 years old in 2020 when the world went insane over the 'flu. I then tried to warn people as best I could, struggling as I was and am with my health.

People were nits not to see the obvious clues, even more so now as the evidence should be overwhelming. Thankfully though when people realise they were nits healing can then come.

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Jun 19Liked by Dee Dee

What an ass

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Should he be given 1000 cuts or hung from a short rope first, and then Drawn and Quartered!

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Normally I would say tall tree, short rope but I think wood chipper, feet first would be preferred.

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“Empathy” I know I promoted extremely toxic vaxxines, closed down the world, advised to keep wearing mask… all the while Knowing what carnage

He needs hung in public read his crimes and with

A PS this may happen to YOU!! No empathy given

None received … yes Lord but there are some cases

That need JUSTICE!!!

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on earth please

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Yes so everyone may see !!!

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They've lost control of the narrative - tried to keep the fight going btwn vaxed and unvaxed - very similar to the construct of Righty Vs. Lefty in political circles. My best friend since kids - a Triathlete - more fit than most people half-his-age (54) was clotted-out dead found by his wife - three miserable weeks after he received the experimental bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine - Troy told me he wasn't going to get the jab if/when it came to his job (job or jab - thank you bio-fascist order-takers) but yep company insurance "mandates" bullcrap - strict obedience oon't ORDER VEE VILL LINE ZEM UP AND DO AS WE ARE TOLD YAHVOL - perfect cover/shields for the depopulation life-hiesters. RIP Troy B.... he "made the newspapers" in his day - but he was bigger man than just a spsorting prowesss - - but no match for evil.

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Mengele Fauci again? Today I saw him on Wolf Blitzer (CNN) and almost GAGGED from

what was said. 😡 I will NOT EVER turn on Blitzer again! Fauci receives awards and praise from THIS NAZI-CHRISTIAN VATICAN CONTROLLED U.S. GOVERNMENT, BIG HARMA, and the MSM

while thousands (Millions?) are dieing from HIS Ouchies! Protests against Fauci were even "dismissed."

I predict that he may go into hiding with his millions. WHY? Too many of us are AWAKE now and too many have LOST LOVED ONES! He's becoming A VERY BIG TARGET! 🧿

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Jun 19Liked by Dee Dee

Here is the root cause of these senseless deaths: https://open.substack.com/pub/mcgdoc/p/here-is-an-example-and-our-proof?r=1vfiqs&utm_medium=ios

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Jun 19Liked by Dee Dee

Thomas Jefferson said,

“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils 

but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”

Let’s pray for leaders who are willing to remove the corruption instead of drawing in any new evils.

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Jun 19Liked by Dee Dee

1226 is chump change in “I am science” Fauci’s virtual reality world. Tens of Millions have perished in the CCP Pandemic he and his coconspirators created!

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It disturbs me no end that the mass of sports fans and athletes are so quiet about this. Is it that sports life makes one more compliant and complacent? Is it tv watching? Corporate sponsorship? I expected that athletes would be extremely reluctant to risk all the work they do to achieve top physical fitness levels. I suspect that it's due to the highly organized and programmed nature of sports, one enters as a child, always coached and advised, with referees and clubs and associations and committees, all with elaborate rules to follow.

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Just realized, nearly every athlete has their own social media accounts, and publishing every "win" is a part of that lifestyle. Makes one more vulnerable to manipulation. Can't be popular and pass up the latest hashtag trend. Farm animals get tagged.

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