Opening comments by Dr. Philip Zimbardo about the Blue/Brown Eye Experiment.
How do you get them to feel on a personal level what discrimination is all about? Jane Elliot was that teacher. A school teacher at Riceville, Iowa back in the early 70’s and she did what I think is one of the most powerful demonstrations of all time, not by a psychologist but a third grade school teacher.
Jane Elliot observed the following:
I watched what had been marvelous, cooperative, wonderful, thoughtful children turn into nasty, vicious, discriminating little third graders in the space of 15 minutes. I think I learned more from the superior children than I did from the children who were considered inferior because their personalities changed even more than the others did.
This insight into human behavior offers a possible explanation why the vaccinated were so quick to turn on the unvaccinated. There was name calling with the words, immoral and selfish. There were calls on social media to, “Let them die”, and President Biden fueled the fire with the phrase, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
Published by The Toronto Star:
If an unvaccinated person catches it from someone who is vaccinated, boohoo, too bad. I have no empathy left for the willfully unvaccinated. Let them die.
I expected more from our world leaders than third graders...
Perhaps the blue-eyed boy at the end appropriately summed up the reason why the vaccinated were so cruel.
I felt like I was a king, like I ruled them-brown eyes. Like I was better than them. Happy…
The vax vs the unvax brought out some very disturbing ugliness in people. I was shocked at the level of ignorance and disrespect. Each person has their own right to choose what they want or need to maintain their personal healthcare. The covid vax was completely unnecessary and unsafe. The fear mongering proved the vax couldn’t stand on effectiveness, but needed fear and control to persuade people. I for one could see the difference and refused to take it. Now after all the known side effects, and many unknown yet, I feel even more confident about my choice to not take an experimental vaccine with no long-term trial data to support its safety.
Wow! My niece told my other niece that she wasn't vaxxed at a family event and the vax'd niece audibly said, "EWWWW!" Turned her back and walked away. Pure evil to create this division. Karma has a way...