World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations
And sets date for finalizing negotiations on a proposed Pandemic Agreement
1 June 2024
News release
Geneva, Switzerland
Reading time: 4 min (992 words)
The historic decisions taken today demonstrate a common desire by Member States to protect their own people, and the world’s, from the shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “The amendments to the International Health Regulations will bolster countries' ability to detect and respond to future outbreaks and pandemics by strengthening their own national capacities, and coordination between fellow States, on disease surveillance, information sharing and response. This is built on commitment to equity, an understanding that health threats do not recognize national borders, and that preparedness is a collective endeavor."
Dr Tedros added: The decision to conclude the Pandemic Agreement within the next year demonstrates how strongly and urgently countries want it, because the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if.
I think a large population now know covid was BS. They're not going to go along with another one. Of course, you'll have a few that will dawn the chem masks and suits. Idiots.
Hoping the new regime just guts all false ties with the WHO which is b. Gates bitch. And they just happen to do the bidding of evil billionaires that hide behind the cloak of philanthropy.
The Covid con is over! The bird flu con is over!!!
Tedros go fall on your sword!!! We’d all be much healthier it’s not a question of IF but When.